Someone To Watch Over Me

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Olivia: My biggest pet peeve is when people rub Styrofoam together.

Spencer: (pause from writing) Really?

Olivia: (giggles) Yes. It makes me cringe.

Spencer: (chuckles) Wow. My biggest pet peeve would be someone talking during a movie.

Olivia: But we do that.

Spencer: Yeah but that's during one our Spence and Liv movie marathon. Anyone else, it's just aggravating.

Olivia: What's the next question? (Sips oat milk)

Spencer: Dream vacation?

Olivia: (smiles) So as a kid, I use to dream about swimming with dolphins. (Giggles) I know it sounds crazy, but people actually do it. For a dream vacation, I would want to go somewhere exotic and swim with dolphins. That is the one thing that is on my all the things I want to do before I'm thirty.

Spencer: You have a list.

Olivia: Yeah. It sounds weird to have a list about all things I want to accomplish before I'm thirty.

Spencer: No it doesn't. What's on the list?

Olivia: Ummm well for starters, hopefully before I'm thirty I have a successful journalist career. Own my first official home. At least travel to three different places in the world. I've already accomplished one of my goals from my list.

Spencer: What was it?

Olivia: (takes Spencer's hand) Fall in love. (Looks in his eyes) And it's been the best accomplishment ever.

Spencer: (smiles) Maybe I should make me a before I'm thirty list.

Olivia: You should. (Pecks his lips) Now what's your dream vacation?

Spencer: Jamaica. I want to experience the food, culture, music, and the island. It looks so beautiful over there and just full of life.

Spencer continued to ask Liv questions. He wrote everything that came out of her mouth. He wanted to know every answer and study her.

Olivia: You really didn't have to do all of this Spencer.

Spencer: I did. I love you Liv. (Liv smiles) What's important to you is important to me.

Olivia: You never cease to amaze me James. (Sighs) I guess that it was so easy to get together that we forgot to learn each other.

Spencer: Guess so. (Jazz playing) This music is actually relaxing.

Olivia: See. After I embraced it, I found it very relaxing. Like a calming second nature.

A moment of silence took over as the sweet sounds floated across the room. Both were in there own little world reflecting and thinking about the past months together. All the changes that they've experienced together.

Olivia: For a second, I was scared today. Guess I didn't want to admit it because I was scared how it would effect us. I tend to make it okay to sit back and never speak up. But I've been seeing the changes that we've been going through. It scares me that at any moment this won't work.

Spencer: Don't say that.

Olivia: But Spencer (gcto)

Spencer: No. I worked too damn hard to get you. And I'm going to work even harder to keep you. You should never be scared of loosing me. I'm here for the long haul baby. Whatever, whenever, wherever, I'm here to stay. (Smiles)

Olivia: You know you're not like any of the guys I dated before.

Spencer: Told you that I am special. (Kisses her shoulder)

Olivia: No guy has ever took the time to know every little detail about me. Or just go out their way to do this. (Hand gestures) This is why I love the man that you are. You see and hear me.

Spencer: I'm going to know every detail about you girl. Cause they matter. When you sleep, you tend to have pouty lips. You even talk in your sleep.

Olivia: No I don't.

Spencer: (shakes head) You do.

Olivia: I don't believe that.

Spencer: Believe it.

Olivia: Well did you know that you tend snore at times.

Spencer: I have never snored in life.

Olivia: Spencer James you do snore.

Spencer: (shakes head) Nope. Lies.

Olivia: (rubs his neck) But it's a sexy snore.

Spencer: Really?

Olivia bites her lip and nods. Spencer smirks and kisses her softly. She grabs a hold of his face and deepens their make out session. Spencer rubs his hands up down her waist.

Olivia: (pulls away) Really. Are you staying the night?

Spencer: This is the first encounter, I don't think that's appropriate Miss. Baker. (Smirks)

Olivia: Well I think we can make an exception, don't you?.

Spencer: I guess we can but.....only if you let me take you out this weekend. I want to go on a date with Olivia 2.0.

Olivia: (Giggles) Deal. Do I get a hint to where you might be taking me.

Spencer: I'm thinking about embracing jazz a little bit so maybe a jazz club.

Olivia: Oooo. If you're going to embrace something about me then I want to embrace something new about you. So what if I cut back on my carbs and sugar with you?

Spencer: Woman you know you can't do that Food speaks to your soul.

Olivia: (frowns) You're right. Umm okay then how about a rematch at Castle Park?

Spencer: I'm game. But just be prepared Liv. I've been brushing up on my skills since last time.

Olivia: We'll see. So we'll have your date one day and mines the next. (Spencer chuckles) What's funny?

Spencer: Nothing. (Chuckles) Just we have some dope ass communication. We find away to overcome. I love that about us.

Olivia: (smiles) Me too.

Spencer: (kisses her left hand) Nothing gets better than this Olivia Baker.

Liv's heart seemed to double in size every time she was with Spencer. She was an open book with him and he loved to study her. And her the same way with him. Jazz floated through the room as the softly melodies of Renee Olstead serenade the couple. Spencer stood up and reached out his hand to Olivia.

Spencer: Can I have this dance.

Olivia: (smiles) Yes

Spencer wrapped his strong buff arm around Liv's waist holding her very close to his heart. They clasped their hands together with their foreheads connecting to each other. Both closed their eyes with the visions of the future running through their  minds.

Won't you tell him please to put on some speed
Follow my lead, oh, how I need
Someone to watch over me

Spencer: I'm so in love with you.

Olivia: I'm do in love with you too.

Won't you tell him please to put on some speed
Follow my lead, oh, how I need
Someone to watch over me

Someone to watch over me
Someone to watch over me

Oh my gosh I got inspired by last night Spelivia!!! I just love them ❤️. Manifest that type of love people!!! And just like Liv, I love a little jazz and this is one of my favorites!! Hope you guys enjoy! Excuse the grammar errors or mistakes ❤️. Sorry for the delay but your girl is graduating this Friday so I've been preparing for that moment!! Love you guys bunches 🥰.

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