Business is Business

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Hello lovely people. This won't be long!! I'll give this episode a 7. Definitely gave filler vibes!! Overall the episode kept me seated so it wasn't bad. That's my personal opinion. Spencer asked Jordan man to man were they good and he said yes. I kind of feel like the coaches are putting them against each other. If you watched the practice scene you probably see what I mean. Still don't trust this new coach. He's out for his personal gain and I think in the end he's going to jack up Jordan career. Plus he see that Jordan is vulnerable and taking advantage of that! And what coach drinks with their players? I'm just curious. I don't trust that man what so ever!

Thank God Asher is healthy and on a great track! But now with this new stress it might set him back just a tad. And I was freaking gagged that he is bringing Wade to Costal!! I was ready to curse but I was watching it with my mother so I stayed being respectful lol. I definitely got heated seeing Wade. We still haven't forgot about what you did to our girl, Olivia!

Jordan and Layla have reached the point of not being sync with each other. Yep I see quite a few bumps coming for them more and more. Now you add on this new coach who lowkey shaded Jordan for being focused on wedding plans when football should be a priority. Then Layla is having trouble with her antidepressant medication and she's confining more in Ryan than Jordan. They definitely aren't on the same page and I think the extra noise is going to play into their relationship. They have a lot to evaluate.

Thank you Coop for getting back to a great best friend. We have missed you! A lot of noise start playing in Spencer's ear after that agent meeting. But I'm also glad Spence was putting hisself first! He's looking out for himself. His dream is on the line. Everything comes with a cost. But I'm glad in the end he remained humble and realized he stepped out of character a little. He went Crenshaw! I don't blame him. I see him and Deion having a great mentor/mentee relationship. I'm actually excited to see more of that storyline. I'm happy that Spencer found his future agent who KNOWS HIS WORTH!!!

Loved seeing some Liv and Mama Grace, but they didn't have to have our girl shade her mother in law lol. I'm a Liv.....I tend to say what comes to mind when I shouldn't so I can't fault her lol. I'm glad she went back and talked it out with Grace and admitted that she never processed the affair. Sometimes it doesn't hit you until it does. Just like Grace's grieve. I believe Liv and Grace both needed that conversation. I see their relationship growing more.

We only got one Spelivia scence but it was everything! So stinking cute! I love their love. I love the mature them. I love how they can decompress with each other after a long day. That's some real black love!!! I just love it!! And we got our famous pinky promise kiss!!!

Alright that's my thoughts. I'm excited for next week cause IT'S A PARTY ITS A PARTY!!!! Spencer's 21st birthday episode looks fun. Like I think we need a fun episode before things possibly become heavy!! Chime in and let me know your thoughts. Love you guys 🩷.

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