Trust Issues

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Hello my beautiful people!! Hope everyone is well and safe! Tonight I'm giving this episode a 6.5/10. Definitely wouldn't be an episode that I could actually sit down and watch again. I think a lot could have been better about this episode. Like I seen the vision just would have liked a little more I guess. Of course I'm happy we're not dragging these episodes out like we've done in the past.

You know I don't mind seeing Crenshaw High on my screen sometimes. This after school program is apart of Billy's legacy so I'm glad Preach wants to ensure that the program is saved. Plus I don't mind this storyline because it's making a little bit more sense than what's happening in the football world right now!! Ummm Mac couldn't wait to get a taste of being head coach. That's his ultimate goal!! He's a snake! I will keep saying it until his true colors get revealed. And I know he wasn't talking to Spencer like that! I don't know much about football I know for sure GAU could have possibly won if you would have played your STAR WIDE RECEIVER like you should have!!! Make it make sense!!! I lowkey think Mac is jealous of Spencer. Spencer is what Mac wanted to be at that age.

It's funny how Spencer takes advice about being selfish for once and get told he's being an ass. Like which one do y'all want? Thank you, Spencer for calling them out and saying y'all need to pick cause y'all giving me whiplash!! But I can also understand be selfish but don't go too far. Sometimes you have to recenter yourself!! I'm glad in this episode we touched on how stress cause panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and so much more. As a person who has been dealing with a lot recently, the scenes between Deion and Spencer kept me in tune. I needed that reminder to recenter myself and don't focus on what causes my stress. Spencer will make an excellent therapist!!!

See where I'm from, Ashley is a girl name. Yes I know a guy can be named Ashley, but Ashley is more common for a girl. Welcome to the USA Ashley. Hope your stay isn't long lol. Loved the little FaceTime with Spelivia then look who shows up, Ashley! Ashley is like a Noah 2.0 to me. He's not a threat whatsoever. You can see he genuinely cares about Liv as a friend and isn't seeking anything. Just an overall great friend to our girl. He spoke the truth about it's okay for Liv to go through another emotional breakdown, but that inside your book. Her book is the testament of who Billy Baker is to the world, his family, his teams, and his community. Use things to inspire your book. Spencer isn't even threaten by Ashley. I think it's more so, why didn't Liv ever tell him Ashley was a guy?! He called him a she before and she didn't correct Spencer. So I think he's wondering why she never just came out and said Ashley is a guy. I'm okay with them leaving things unsaid that night. I think they need to sleep and reflect and pick up this talk the next day. Be to themselves and openly communicate what they are feeling.

Okay Dillion coming through with the cooking and advice. Dillion is so mature and getting so wise. I love that for our boy. Wish we would see more of him!!! I think Jordan and Layla have officially moved in the roommates from hell. I'm calling it right now! Nope don't ever let them pick the roommates again. Shout out to Professor Laura!!! Shut Coop down and make her understand she has to see both sides!!!

Next week is definitely giving me 4x06 vibes. Spelivia trying to get away to the cabin, but the vortex invites themselves. Yep definitely won't be the romantic getaway. I can say I got a feeling it's going to end well for Spelivia, but I can't speak about anyone else. The cabin has a way of messing some stuff up lol. I think it's good Spelivia is sitting with their thoughts for now to have this mature adult conversation this next episode!!!

Chime in. I love y'all ❤️❤️❤️!!!

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