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Tonight was a great episode!! The memory of Billy Baker was definitely served well. Monet gets all the flowers. She took her grief centric episode by storm and ate. Samantha Logan she just keeps giving and giving!! I definitely had an eye open about grief and my grief this past weekend. You never truly stop grieving. May not hurt as bad, but you never stop grieving for someone. The hardest deaths in my life was the passing of my grandmothers on my mother's side. I lost one at the end of my junior year going into my senior year of high school. I took it extremely hard because she was my best friend and she stayed literally next door to me. I had just seen her when I came home from school, we spoke, and that was the last time. Within the next hour she was gone. I was truly heartbroken and still am but my grief isn't difficult like in the beginning. Freshman year of college, my grandma was on her deathbed and I watched her in her final days. Seen her one last time before going back to college (thank goodness I went to college close to home), within the next few hours she was gone. I definitely relate to how fast death can happen. The denial Spencer feels, is what I felt for so long.

Laura Baker will have better days ahead. Tonight was proof that better days are ahead, just have to take it step by step. Monet portrayed Laura's grief beautifully. When Spencer said he could go back and how it all played words because it was felt. We see Laura deal with her grief better and know there is light at this dark tunnel. Letting Jarbia know to do this the Billy Baker way and make that impact. The best advice. I love Laura has her village. She needs her village. The friendship she has built with Grace and Denise is going to keep her going besides Olivia and Jordan. There's more to say but I'm really at awe of this episode.

Spencer is the one who spirals the most. It's clear because  he's holding that weight of guilt and regret. But no one who have guessed that Billy Baker wouldn't walk back through that door. Spencer will have to forgive himself. Billy wasn't angry or upset with him. It was clear in that voicemail. Billy spoke that peace a peace Spencer will accept. Their relationship wasn't broken and never could be broken. It's okay not to be okay. Spencer doesn't want to stop moving because he'll have to think about it. Spencer James hold your head up and be that man Billy Baker knows you to be. He is with you forever.

Olivia, she always give me everything. We feel that lose. That lose of not being someone's baby girl now. The lose of the first man you ever loved. It's a lot to take in. When she said Billy is her everything it spoke volume and proof just watching their relationship. I don't fear Olivia drinking because I'm sure her father's spirit will show up and remind her she's strong and she can handle this pain. I'm ready for her grief centric episode. This episode will speak for those girls who have that tight knit relationship with their fathers.

Jordan wanting to honor his father's legacy touched me. You see how much of an impact someone has on others. Everyday leave your mark on the world and take it by storm. We're all great in our own way. Liv seeing that Jordlayla is a thing is a sigh of relief because honestly I'm over them hiding it. Come on out!!! No one is going to be surprised. I still have to get my feel on Jordan's grief. He's being strong for the two most important women in his life right now so I'm not sure. He probably will break but carry on with a Billy Baker attitude and make an impact. He's holding his mom and sister down right now, may be how he's dealing with things.

More can be said but we can unpack as the weeks goes by since we have to wait till March 13!!! Yes I hollered because I thought I only had to wait till March 6th!!!

One more thing, JJ I'm very disappointed in you. That's all I can say now, and Liv's and Layla's reaction I'm stepping behind them because I would have reacted the same.

These next episodes are going to be character centric around Liv, Jordan, and Spencer. I'm excited for them. Spencer's episode I definitely see him finally breaking. Know this is a serious moment, but Daniel shirtless is just yeah amazing. Then we got Spencer punching stuff. This is about grief and they're giving us sexy Daniel. We're suppose to be sad people!!! Not listing lol. I'm ready for the fair and Spelivia spending time together. Even the moments they had tonight hit and Spencer still being protective of Liv. He could have sat somewhere else on the field, but he was right there beside her.

Part 6 of Mine will be a break until after the centric grief episodes. No I'm not killing Billy off, but I do want to see what happens in Liv and Spencer episodes to make their moments will Billy in part 6 more authentic and just hit. Part 2 of Always Love You is in the work. I've been asked to do Liv's pov, Spencer pov, and Spelivia's pov on Billy's passing, I'm going to do it. And since we have to wait till the 13th, gives me the right amount of time to work on my craft.

Be Great And Live Each Moment With Joy, Love, And Mostly Happiness!!!! I love you guys with all my heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️.

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