Mine (Pt.2)

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The sweet aroma of maple and the savory smell of sausage filled the Baker's residence. Her tummy danced in anticipation of having a taste. She stopped on the last step in astonishment at the spread before her.

"What's all this?"

"We made you breakfast." Coop beamed, pouring a glass of Orange Juice.

"So come on and take a load off."

Olivia was a little frightened at Coop's sudden change of behavior. She sat on the bar stool as her roommates prepared her plate.

"Honestly, you guys didn't have to do all this."

Layla placed the overloaded plate in front of Liv.

"You and the baby need plenty of nutrition. Eat up." Layla gave her a reassuring squeeze.


Silence prevailed over them as they sat quietly eating. No one wanted to address the elephant in the room.

"Do we have any coffee?"

Coop jumped out of her seat and fixed Olivia's coffee just how she liked it.

"Here you go. Can I get you anything else? Do you want more eggs? Bacon?"

"I'm good. Thanks." Sipping down the pipping hot coffee.

"Liv, I want to say-"

"Don't go saying anything stupid. She's pregnant and doesn't need any added stress. Spencer is already doing enough of that." Patience said.

"I got this. What I was trying to say before I was rudely interrupted is that I'm sorry. And I'm just not saying it because you're pregnant. Well, sort of, but that's beside the point. I was wrong to be in the middle of your and Spencer's business. Whatever goes on between you two is between y'all. I should have let y'all work things out instead of including my two cents in."

"You ain't never lied." Patience muttered.

"And I'm sorry for everything I said to you and about you. I know you love my boy, and he loves you. From here on out, I will try my best to mind my business and worry about my relationship."

"I appreciate that, Coop."

"We good?"

"We're fine."

Coop smiled and sighed in relief.

"Good, because I was scared that I was going to get ripped from my God Mother status."

"Who said anything about you being the God Mother?"

"I just thought......you know I thought.......you know what? I'm going to respect your decision."

"It's not just my decision."

"How did your talk with Spencer go last night?" Layla took a seat next to Olivia.

"I barely got a word in. We didn't even really talk about the baby. It's just some many pent-up emotions that it's hard to talk about the baby without pouring salt into fresh wounds."

"Maybe it was best you didn't get a word in last night."

"Who side are you on, Patience?" Liv scoffed in disbelief.

"Both of your sides. It would help if you had more time to sit on your feelings before expressing them fully to Spencer. You're pregnant and in the danger zone of pregnancy. Anything can trigger you, which you don't need."

"Patience's right. That conversation can wait for another time. The only discussions that need to be had are about your baby."

Layla squeezed Liv's hand. She softly smiled, knowing that they were right. Right now, all her focus should be on this new life she would welcome soon. Her parents don't know, and she still has to tell them. For right now, her and Spencer's relationship would be tabled.

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