Without You

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The sheets of that California King bed provided the only warmth. Everywhere inside the estate stood or felt cold. Tears made their permanent mark for the time being. A delicate hand clasping tightly onto the pillow, trying their hardest to muffle out the earth-shattering sobs.

Dark circles and baggy eyelids took shelter onto the face that once was so bright. A face full of life and happiness. But at this current moment, happiness does not reside at this address. Heartbreak moved its things in and would not leave until an eviction notice was served. The creak of the bedroom door halted her early morning crying session.

His deep but soft voice spoke to her. He sighed a little, not getting a response. This routine had begun to set in. She shifted her body to the other side. Knowing if she faced him, she would break. No ounce within of her could look him in the eyes. She hasn't been able to look him in the eyes since that fateful night.

Heartbreak shredded him. The strong demeanor of his character seemed to be the only thing keeping him together. Along with the fact, his heartbeat needed his strength more. Placing the pipping hot liquid onto the nightstand. The stubble of his bread grazed her clam cheek as he let a soft kiss on the cheek linger. Glancing one last time.

Three days they were passed by with quickness and slowness. Each day a new dinner tray is set outside the bedroom. Going untouched. By now, he should be able to recount every bump and hump of the bedroom ceiling. Every night his eyes danced across the top until exhaustion won the battle with his eyes. Attempting the chance to reach out and touch her, she would curl deeper into her side. They were in the same room and bed. Yet feeling a thousand miles away from one another.

Something about a hot cascading shower does the body wonders. Trembling fingers ran through her wet curls. Closing her eyes as sobs lingered throughout the shower walls. Outside the bathroom door, her mate sat with tears of his own. Nothing he says or does could take away this pain from her. From him. Numbness and feeling hallow.

Sitting at her vanity, the broken woman took the time to go through several breathing exercises. Her mother popped in, asking did she need assistance. Standing with her vow of silence, a shake of the head, and proceeding back to the task, mentally talking herself down the stairs, reminding herself to inhale and exhale.

Fifty shades of black and sorrowful looks came into view as she descended the last step. Her heart cheered at the small victory she accomplished. Those California King bed sheets had been the safety net of the heart.

"You okay?"

He asked with piercing eyes. Is she okay? Of course, she's not okay. They're not okay! Such a rhetorical question, but soon there will be more to come. Muttering a simple Mhmm gripping his sweaty hand.

Sunglasses not only prevented the havoc of the sun from blinding you but shutting the world out of your brokenness. The expression of encouragement flourished along with a heartfelt prayer. Their hands stayed intertwined. Tears slide down their clammy cheeks. Family and friends provide condolences and consoling.

Afterward, she found little strength to eat. A bite of a piece of fruit, and that was it. Between her best friend, twin, mother-in-law, and mother, she couldn't keep up with who pushed her to eat more. Guest tried to make light of the evening, but they all would give looks of pity. Those looks became the constant reminder of what she lost, what they lost.

"How are you holding up?"

The well throughout the plan of escaping and being alone seemed to have taken a detour.

"If you think no one would notice your disappearing, you're mistaken, bro."

Pain awakened in his eyes, and he quickly glanced away. No one should ever see a man weak. Or at least that's what he thought. He's the rock. The rock couldn't break.

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