Caribbeans Baby pt. 1

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Three Months Later...................

Olivia: Which one do you think? (Holding up lingerie sets)

Simone: I'm thinking the red one?

Olivia: It is very sexy. (Smirking)

Simone: Is that for the bachelorette weekend?

Olivia: Umm no. I'm actually getting a head start on packing for the honeymoon.

Simone: Oooo okay Miss. Baker. You know Mr. James is just going to tear it off you, right?

Olivia: (raise eyebrows) That's the plan.

Simone: You two can't keep your hands to yourselves.

Olivia: Physical touch is our thing and I can't help that my man is sexy as hell.

Simone: So where are y'all going for the honeymoon?

Olivia: Honestly I don't know. Spencer says it's a surprise. Wherever it is, I promise you that we won't be leaving that room.

Simone: Are you going to be working on making a baby.

Olivia: God no.

Simone: You don't want kids? I think you two would make sure absolute gorgeous babies. With both of y'all looks and personality, that will be one hell of a kid.

Olivia: (giggles) You don't have to convince me that we would have some absolute gorgeous babies. Just I want to wait a while. Like two years tops. I don't want kids right now, but eventually. Honestly I'm not ready to share Spencer.

Simone: You afraid of a little competition with a baby?!

Olivia: Yes! (Simone laughs) Stop laughing! If I have a daughter, we will definitely be competing for that man's attention. He barely can tell me no. Just imagine what a little girl would do to him. I'm not ready to share my husband.

Simone: Aww you said husband.

Olivia: (blushes) I know. Spencer James my husband. Well Spencer James is going to be my husband.

Simone: You said it right the first time. Y'all been married forever you might as well say. Just making it actually official.

Olivia: (sits on bed) Mo, we've always been honest with each other right?

Simone: Yes we have Liv. Why....what's on your mind?

Olivia: Your reaction with Layla at the engagement party three months ago.

Simone: Livvvv

Olivia: I know. I know. You don't want to discuss this. Look everyone we're all flying there tomorrow along with my mom and Ms. Grace, took look for my dress. I just want to try and I mean try to be cordial with her.

Simone: I can be cordial.

Olivia: Oh yeah, then why didn't you respond to her text about planning for the joint getaway?

Simone: I responded once.

Olivia: Last month!

Simone: At least I responded. And how the hell did this weekend getaway become a whole week?

Olivia: Ask JJ. He's the main host of this getaway. I want best behavior tomorrow and in the Caribbeans.

Simone: (holds up right hand) I promise to be on my best behavior Scout Leader Olivia Baker.

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