I Want To Come Home For Christmas

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Her curls bounced as she twirled around the kitchen. She sang Boyz II Men's rendition of Let It Snow a little pitchy. Christmas Joy had filled her heart and the home she shared with her boyfriend. It was indeed the most wonderful time of the year.

Various goodies and treats lined up on the counter. This year they were hosting Christmas Eve dinner at their house. Delightful smells of Christmas filled the entire house.

Let it snow, let it snow
Outside it's cold but the fire's blazin'
So baby let it snow
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Every Christmas spent with her man was special, but she felt this one would be extra special. Olivia made the finishing touches to her ham. She smiled in pride at her creation. It's true what they say about twin senses. Her's were tingling that hers was up to no good.

"Drop the cookie, Jordan." Brushing on the glaze to the ham. Jordan stuffed the chocolate chip delight into his mouth.


"What?" He shrugged his shoulders, chewing the last few crumbs.

"You know what!" Annoyed with his antics already.

"Gosh, Liv. There are like two dozen cookies on this plate. One missed cookie is not going to ruin anything."

"No, it won't, but you being a fat ass, probably will."

"Hurtful. I prefer tight ass."

"Ewww. Just don't take another cookie."

"Just don't take another cookie."

A wooden spoon flung across the counter, hitting Jordan on the cheek. She stuck her tongue out as her twin flipped her off.

"Spencer does. A lot!"

"I didn't need to hear that."

Her laughter boomed off the walls. It died down when she saw his name pop across the screen. It's only been twenty-four hours, but she was missing him like it's been a week since she saw his face and kissed those soft lips.

"Hi, beautiful."

"Hi, handsome."

"And I'm leaving."

He snuck another cookie while the lovers made googly eyes over FaceTime. Anytime Spencer called her beautiful, Olivia's whole face would turn a shade of red. She never got tired of hearing his endless compliments. And he never got tired of giving them.

"I miss you."

The pout of her lips made him chuckle.

"I miss you too, baby."

"How were the photo shoot and meeting?"

"Same ole, same ole."

"You don't sound excited for a person who's the face of Nike."

"It was just a photo shoot like all the other shoots I have done."

"Okay. But did every other brand create a shoe line based on you?"

Spencer smirked. Olivia had tripped him up. It's a clear indication that his professional football career was going exceptionally well. First draft round picks for the LA Rams. Several MVP trophies and other achievements in the short years he's been in the league.

"Where's your comeback, James? You don't have one, do you? I thought so."

"Don't be so full of yourself, Ms. Top story in sports."

"Somebody has to remind you to celebrate every single accomplishment. Now I want to hear all about this meeting."

Spencer filled her in on the meeting and how his agent demanded a more significant cut for the shoe line.

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