Tonight's Takeaway

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Okay so my in my personal opinion I enjoyed this episode. For me as a person who always want to do the right thing and worry about the fall out for others I care about, the episode let me feel a lot. I can see Liv's point of view and Spencer's. They both want to protect each other so that's why they're clashing so hard about this article. But tonight did give us the old Spencer that we've been waiting for!!!! That made me happy because I've been waiting for this guy to show up with one of his inspirational speeches. Just wondering ummmm Christal where have you've been when our girl needed you?! Like this knowledge you're giving out could of help several episodes ago! Loved Liv not attaching her name to it, but it still doesn't fully help the fallout of the program. In a perfect world like our fanfics, we can make everything work to our favor. But in reality, things like this get super messy and have huge consequences even though you're doing the right thing. I hope Spencer sees that Liv wasn't trying to hurt him or his dreams. She's trying to protect him.

Now he didn't have to yell at our girl! But I low key liked it lol. The man was taking charge and I loved it. You guys see she was trying to explore different options to protect her man. They know where home is lol. Hopefully, in the mid season finale next week we can wrap up this article storyline. It's time to put this to bed. I'll revert back to Spencer and Olivia in just a moment. Right now let's discuss JJ. Guy is seriously out of control. He has a problem. It's no longer being a normal college student. He's masking away his pain with alcohol. I can only hope the bros can get a hold on him before the reality becomes a lot worser. JJ's struggles goes beyond no living his full football potential. I wish we had a more in depth of JJ's childhood. That fight was something!! Honestly if Jordan didn't flip them over when he did, I think JJ would have beat him unconscious. Yeah All American writers get him some help.

I thought I wouldn't see the day where I admit that I'm happy for Asher. I love the growth they have given him since season 4. He wasn't my favorite, but he's growing on me. I love this side of him that we're getting I hope they keep it that way.

Back to my lovely people, I truly think this article was a blessing in disguise for them. Hated what it did to them but needed. It was needed to show them climbing to the top of your dreams with the one person you want to share that dream with isn't always going to be easy. Its going to come with some struggles. You're going to question everything. Always want to protect each other no matter what. You're going to hurt each other even though it's not intentional. Just have to let the good outweigh the bad and realize this dream is bigger than what you think. This goes to show as well, Spencer will forever be Team Olivia. No matter the circumstances, he's literally riding for her, vice versa.

I could go on and on about Spelivia because they teach us valuable lessons on love, friendship, yourself, I just love them. Next week, I can say I'm tuning in. They're taking us back to the main focus of the show and that's Spencer's football dream. We need to get back there. Yay for finally a Mama Baker and Liv moment. She needs her mom right now. Even though the name change on the article doesn't tie her to it, it doesn't change the outcome all the way. I can only hope this helps them as a couple and individuals come back stronger. They should be going to war fighting all obstacles that's standing in the way of their dreams. Why do I got a feeling Olivia will step down from the Tribune. This could be a good thing for her. She has all the time in the world to achieve those big dreams of hers. We get Coop back next week and I hope she doesn't give any dumbass advice. Give some real helpful and useful advice please for ONCE!!! Morris Chestnut you fine and all but you can't come for Spence I'm sorry. You don't realize the treasure you have on your team so tread lightly.

I know they will never read this but big shout out to Daniel and Sam. That chemistry is so authentic on and off the set. They bring these two characters to life and make you feel it. That's the way it should be! You should be able to feel that chemistry through your tv screen. They've set the standards of what qualities you should be looking for in your forever person. I feel that Whitley and Dwayne chemistry from Spencer and Olivia. Those two couples really made me set my standards on what I'm looking for in a guy. When you have real authentic actors and actresses, they give the definition of making words come to life.

Tonight felt like the All American we need to get back to. Oh and I didn't know Spencer could speak Spanish. Gave me all the feels to let him back in my good graces. He had some sense tonight.

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