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Okay so Merry Christmas again!!! One of my favorite by H.E.R. came on and I couldn't resist. It gave me some inspiration.

Sun leaked through the drapes of the open room. Her eyes roamed at the sleeping figure. Tracing the outline of the perfect-tone body, chiseled chin, and those soft lips, she could spend forever kissing. She hugged her knees close together, taking in this moment. Nothing could compare to this very moment.

Any doubts that she has ever had trickled away. Any fears that were possibly embedded in her brain were whisked away. A wave of calmness washed over her. The heart is overloaded with love, joy, and security, mostly peace. She silently thanked the maker above for blessing her with her prayer. She feared that the prayer she prayed would have been empty. He gave her a prayer of fullness. There is nothing like peace, especially with the one who brings you the most peace in the entire universe.

She glided her hand across his chest. Her hand pauses at his heart. Feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was her favorite sound. Her favorite song. Every rhythm seemed to be reserved just for her. She loved listening to the sound. The perfect sound to hear when starting and finishing her day.

If she could put into words the depth of her soul that ran over with love for him, she would run out of words. Love like this was a rarity. Love like this was not always present in real life. You could only aspire to have a love like this from what you see on TV or in the movies. In her heart, she would never want to experience another love like this again because she was blessed with the best love she's ever been offered.

This love didn't come with conditions or terms. Nor does it ask her to change or sacrifice to receive love in return. This love isn't boastful or selfish. It's patience and kind. It's pure. It's authentic. This love is everything. Through sunshine or rain, it never changes. It's always there and waiting. This love heals all wounds.

He's everything and much more. He's beyond her wildest imagination, but she knows she dreamt of him long before he came to her. It was indeed love at first sight. Love at first words spoken. She's grateful for his ability to love her and every flaw that comes with her. He's able to do that because he knows his shortcomings. She may not realize it, but she's his greatest inspiration. He loves her for her compassion, heart, beauty, authenticity, and bravery. He loves her because she loves him with the same love he gives her in return.

She'll forever say he saved her, but he'll forever feel like she saved him. They saved each other. They see past all the flaws and just love. Love purely, freely, and wholeheartedly. They love. They'll continue to love until their dying day—simple, pure love with no terms or conditions.

She interlocks both of their hands together. Heat settles in her cheeks as she glances down at their rings.

"Why are you up so early? Thought I tired you out." Sleep was still indicated in his voice. He slightly chuckles as he sees that smile he adores. It makes him melt.

"Just couldn't sleep." Shrugged her shoulders.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asks, moving some of her messy curls from her shoulder.

"Nope. Just I'm really happy. Truly happy."

They smile at each other. His finger traced her jawline. Connecting their faces softly, pecking her lips. He pulled her closer to his body. Her fingers danced down his forearm as their kiss became passionate.

They're each other answered prayer. They're each other favorite song.

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