For Anyone Pt.2

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"So you got lucky and met someone this past weekend?"

"How many times are you going to ask this?"

"Until I get an answer. It's time for you to hop back on the saddle." Spencer rolled his eyes at his nosey best friend. Always in his business.

"To get you off my back then yes I met someone this past weekend."

Coops smiles and pats Spencer's back. "Okay, okay. Look at cha. So....."


"Come on spill the details. And you don't have to give me all the details if it's explicit."

Spencer chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. "Nothing got explicit. Just talked and danced. That's it."

"Nope. I ain't believing that. Gone ahead and spill."

"There's not too much to tell Coop."

"Did you at least get her number?"


"Did you give her your number?"


"Social media?" Spencer shook his head no. "What the hell Spence? So you know nothing about this girl."

"I know everything that I need to know. We're going out tomorrow night." Coop smirked at Spencer and raised her eyebrows. Spencer chuckled and shook his head. "Don't start."

"Okay give me details. But first what's her name."

"Olivia Baker. And before you ask questions on what she does for a living or her intentions, just know she's self made. She owns her company and she's a blogger."

"Okay so she's in her bag."

"Definitely. I don't know it's something about her Coop."

"Not you already falling in love and haven't been on one date yet."

"Shut up. I'm being forreal. It's like a connection is there already. Just need to get to know her some more."

"If you didn't get the digits, how you ask her on a date?"

"She told me to look her up and that's what I did. Got the address to her business and delivered some flowers asking for a date."

"Smooth. So what are you doing for this date? I know you going all out."

Spencer shakes his head and takes another sip of his coffee. "Naw I'm not. She doesn't seem like the type of girl who needs the over the top stuff. She might like the gesture, but that's probably not her style. I'm taking her to BG then we're going dancing."

"That's it?"


"No late night dessert?"

"I can't take you serious."

"I'm just asking." Coop held her hands up in defense. She particularly had no filter when it came to Spencer's life. She sees her self more like Spencer's guide on his dating life. "Never know."

"I'm trying to get get another date Coop. Not no late night dessert. I really want to get to know Olivia. I'm already nervous about tomorrow."

"You better suck it up. And you need this date so you can forget about-"

"Let's not talk about her. Not right now."

"I'm just saying Spence, you were too good to that girl. That's all I'm saying. As your friend, I just want to see you move on and be happy."

One day you think you have found the person that you will spend the rest of you life, only to come up short handed. Spencer thought he found the one. The one who would be his wife, partner, mother to his children, and lifetime friend. Just a few weeks away to the nuptials, Spencer came home from practice to find a note and the ring laying on the bed.

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