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Okay so Spencer calling our girl Liv inspired me. Let's see what could possibly happened if he tried calling again.

"Hi! You've reached Olivia." Not this again. Spencer threw his phone onto the bed and flopped backwards. Why did I even try to call? After thirty seconds, Spencer James was trying to understand why he was calling his ex, Olivia Baker. She's obviously not checking for me, he thought. Maybe she's out with her journalism friends. Or date.

"Get Out Your Head Spencer! Out Your Head!" But what if she had moved on and was out on a date? Then what would he possibly do? Pacing the floorboards trying to relax and meditate on positive thoughts.

"Forget it." Grabbing his phone and attempting the call again. "You're down bad my guy. You are down bad." Muttering to himself while the phone ring. Good sign was his call wasn't automatically rejected like the first two times.

Sitting across her bed, Olivia watched as her phone vibrated. Seeing Spencer's picture pop up for a third time. "Just answer the phone Olivia. It could be an emergency. He has called at least two times already. Why are you talking to yourself?"

It could all be so simple to answer the phone but it wasn't. Answering was taking a step she honestly didn't know if she was truly ready for. She had just managed to fully make it through the day without crying. Well expect for earlier and on her way home from Slauson. The days were rough but the nights seemed to be the hardest.

"She's not answering. Just hang up the pho"


His breath caught in his throat. He could not believed she actually answered. After three calls he was done even trying. Sometimes it's funny how things work out in your favor.

"Hey." Clearing his throat.

"What can I do for you Spencer?" Not sounding to enthusiastic about this phone call. Her jealousy hadn't fully wore off yet.

"I just wanted to reach out and see how you've been. I saw you on campus. It looked like you and J had a heated discussion."

"I'm fine." Bitterness set in her. How did he really think she was doing? Because she sure in heck isn't singing or dancing in the rain. "Just Jordan being Jordan. Painting me out to be a villain in you guys football story."

"Wanna talk about it?" Trying to establish some type of normalcy could be a good start. Taking baby steps will only help for those giant steps later.

"I think you have a smash tour to fulfill. Besides my problems aren't yours to worry about anymore." Slashing the words out of her mouth cutting him deep. He could hear he unforgiving tone with a hint of jealousy.

Chuckling and shaking his head. Even though he couldn't physically see her, he knew she was jealous.

"Take it that you've seen JJ's post online."

"Didn't know you were suppose to advertise you're single online. Guess I never got the memo."

"I didn't know anything about it. I was surprised when I seen it myself."

"I didn't know you had a thing for business majors. Good thing they can do math because they can't calculate how much money you make your first year pro and find a way to bleed you dry."

"Ha ha ha. You got jokes."

"Just speaking facts."

"From what I hear, you're out and about. You and your boy, Noah getting real cozy."

"Not like you and the chick in the red shirt you were dancing with. And fyi, this isn't the weekend at Bringston, so don't think you're making me jealous."

"Never thought I was. And you spending time with your mystery date isn't phasing me."

"Welp if there is no reason for you to call me then I'm going to go. You're probably trying to complete your smash tour. I hope you have stored away plenty of condoms. Wait I think you used them all on me. Too bad, I hear some of those business major girls have had various of STI's and STD's. But it is your smash tour."

"Forreal Olivia?"

"You only say my name for only three reasons, you're upset, serious, or the in heat of pleasure. And as seeing this is not a pleasure moment, you're upset."

Still know him like the back of her hand. Silence took over on the phone. Only a pen drop could be heard.

"I did bring a girl home tonight."

"So you're rubbing it in my face?"

"Just listen. I brought a girl home, but nothing happened. I sent her about her way."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Spencer. It's not like you owe me one anyway."

"Yes I do. I want to open and transparent with you Liv. I know we're not together right now but I think you deserve to know."

"To know that you're already moving on. Well thanks but I rather not know."

"I'm not moving on. Not yet anyway. I don't think I'll ever be ready to move on. What we had was special. Still is. I don't think I could fulfill smash tour. Unless it was us."

There goes charming Spencer. Always knowing the right thing to say. Her cheeks rosed with heat hearing the last part of his sentence.

"You know what. Could we possibly try this conversation again?"

Let a hearty chuckle and nodding. "Yeah. We can. So how have you've been?"

"I've been okay. Making it. You?"

"Same. Coop said you've been going out."

"If she's you're spy then her information isn't all accurate. Yes I've been going out but mostly to my parents and the library doing research. Or I'm hiding in my room in complete silence."

"Look I know how we-"

"Spencer let's not." Taking a deep breath. "Not right now anyways. I miss my best friend. So friend, tell me all about this party that you let the four musketeers as I may call them drag you to."

Spencer smirked into the phone. They were definitely no where near the friend status but if she wanted to take it back to their roots he was willing to go. Filling her in on the party from the beginning up until he brought what's her face home. He felt her jealous energy through the phone.

"I can't believe Davita is gay."

"Crazy right but I understand completely why she said I wasn't her type."

"Think I owe her an apology for protect girlfriend vibes I have off the first time we met."

"Yeah she shocked all of us."

"It's getting kinda late I should go."

"For sure. I got morning workouts so I'm call it a night."

Both dreading to end the call.

"Night Spencer."

"Night Liv. Oh and Liv, thanks for answering my call."

The first of many calls to come.

Just a little something. Excuse any grammar errors or mistakes.❤️❤️❤️

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