For Anyone Pt 1

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I think you guys know by now how I do when ideas pop in my head. Fun Fact about me, I love me some H.E.R. This one shot is inspired by one of my favorite songs (listen to it in the cover). To run down this two or three part one shot, Spencer and Olivia have never met. And Olivia never went to rehab or relapsed. This is about how they meet later in life. So yeah all that good stuff. Enjoy! Oh and I'm trying a new style of writing!

"You're going out tonight."


Her curls bounced as she strutted her way down the narrow hallway with her best friend not to far behind her. The clicks of their heels bounced off the hardwood.

"Ughhh! You do this every time I mention you going out! Why is that?!"

"Maybe I'm not interested in going out. Maybe I already plans."

"Do you?"

"No." The curly head snickered a little knowing her friend was feeling a little tense about her always choosing to stay in. Both entered the office taking a seat at their designated areas.

"You can be frustrating at times."

"I'm glad that I'm never dull to you unlike some people." She rolled her brown eyes looking through the scattered paper on her desk.

" Not this again. Olivia I thought you were-"

"I am pasted it Kia. It's been what..three years since the break up? I'm good."

"The more reason for you to go out. There's a whole world out there girl. And I'm sure it's some man out there for you. But you can't find him by staying locked up in your condo or always at this place."

" I'm not looking for live right now. I'm strictly focused on my career right now." Kia looked at Liv not believing a word she was saying. Deep inside Olivia didn't believe what she was saying, but it was easier saying those things, then look for love in all the wrong places. "I've tried the love thing and it just didn't work out."

"Maybe it didn't work out because it was the wrong person." Kia took a hold of Liv's hand. "I know that the break up with Devin was rough. You guys had been together every since college..."

Hot tears welled up in the corners of her eyes ready to release a flood gate. "I thought we were going to get married Kia. Married. Instead, he seats me down talking about all my great qualities only to let me know that he has fell in love with someone else. And that he's going to marry her!" Blinks away tears. "How could I be so stupid?"

"You weren't stupid. Just in love and that's okay, but it's been three years Liv. You got to move on. He did it while y'all were basically still a couple. Now it's time for you to the same. Nothing is holding you back. Look around at how much you have accomplished. You own your own broadcasting company. Liv's Truth is one of the best blogs out there. You're Black Girl Magic. Don't forget that."

She softly smiles "I won't."

"Now what are we feeling for lunch today?" Kia replied back. "Maybe Chinese?"

"Don't you have some big case to win Miss. Attorney at Law?"

"Nope. Not today. Court got pushed back to another day. Something about the judge wasn't feeling or something. My guess is his wife found out that he was sleeping with his secretary and she's about to take him for almost everything."


"So what are we having for lunch?"

"I don't know if I can do lunch today. I was suppose to meet with some investors but they canceled. I could really use this time to blog and.."

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