WOW pt.2

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Last night episode was definitely a heavy one so it was hard to really just unpack the episode after that. But still there is things for us to unpack and talk about so let's do it because I know we have a lot to say.

First, the death of Billy Baker is a hard hitter. Mostly everyone was saying it would be Billy, but I didn't want to believe it. I was trying to have good faith. Taye has left the show and some are saying why not have him go coach at a different college. That would be a lot better. Watching the Tv Line video on YouTube, Taye wasn't for Billy Baker leaving and going somewhere else and not staying in contact with his children or extended children. Just wouldn't be right. He actually happy how they decided to end Billy's story because none of the characters he has ever played had an ending like this. And he also said that he's open to come back for flashback moments or those spiritual moments. So seeing that Taye and NK were in agreement with Billy's ending kind of ease the hurt some since this wasn't so random thrown in death. I wish Taye the best of luck on his future endeavors. He will always be our Billy Baker ❤️.

The Baker family moment filled my heart. I love a good family moment and this one is my favorite. It's been a minute since we saw all four of them at a table together sharing breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Liv made a great breakfast, Jordan was stuck when he found out that it was Layla's recipe. Billy read that face through and through lol. When they started planning to make this a thing once a month I got excited for more Baker family bonding time. Just a lighthearted and happy moment. Laura telling Billy just call Spencer and make things right was a foreshadowing moment because later he does.

I've been so upset with Coop this season with her advice, but she made sense last night. I know right. Shocking! Low key she's team Liv, but won't say it out loud. I think she was excited at the fact Liv expressed her feelings for Spencer and wants to get back together. Spencer talking about he's avoiding Liv because they're suppose to talk and Coop basically felt like that was wrong and a horrible move. Which I agree! Avoiding isn't going to help.

Now most of the fandom wanted a pregnancy scare or pregnancy. It's been gave. Just not to the couple we thought. Jaymee and Asher are having a baby!! This is interesting and scary. Knowing Jaymee has lupus and the toll it takes on her body, I'm really nervous for her and the baby. Fingers crossed that she has a healthy pregnancy and baby. Seeing Asher frantic over the news was adorable to me. Asher Adams have come a long way from the beginning of this show. So to be along for his journey into fatherhood is something I'm pretty excited to watch. Billy giving those words of wisdom of just saying you learn as you parent. You're not going to get everything right but it doesn't matter. My personal take away from the conversation. I'm sure to vortex will be excited for the happy couple. Just an interesting storyline for Asher and I like it in my opinion.

Jordan and Layla........okay no more hiding your relationship. Honestly just pop on out. Simone knows about the relationship so I don't see the point of hiding. Spencer told Layla you don't have to hide it because I already know. Billy told Jordan the same thing and said he approves. In the coming weeks, I hope the writers stop having the two of them hide their relationship. Yes Spencer is going to help Jordan through this, but I think Layla will be the driving force that keeps him a float. Jordan is experiencing a hard death. And to watch your own parent die in front of you is just heartbreaking. Time is of the essence. I want Jordan and Layla to come out of their secret hiding and just say yeah we're together and that's that.

Do I see coaching in Spencer's future once he retires from the NFL? Heck yeah! I watched him last night and see the potential. The combine was the perfect hiding place Spencer because you still couldn't avoid Billy Baker. Grace shows up every time, but Billy did call her so it's not like a random pop up lol. Spencer shared with almost everyone that Olivia wanted to get back together. Jordan wasn't in agreement with Spencer's tactic of avoiding Liv. And he was like and you chose here where my dad is and you're still upset with him. Jordan was confused. Glad he backed his sister. Then Mama Grace let Spencer know the real fact that he hasn't been happy since the breakup! Thank You Someone Finally Said It!! We've been saying it!!!

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