Caribbeans Baby Pt.3

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SideNote: Don't Play The Song Just Yet. Enjoy!

Simone: Liv slowed down! We're trudging through sand here girl.

Olivia: Did that really just happen? Did I just call off my wedding?!

Simone: More like put it hold on.

Olivia: I can't believe Spencer right now.

Simone: I need you to slow down and breathe for a second Liv.

Simone tugged Olivia's arm stopping her in her tracks. Heaving in and out with new tears replacing old ones. Her sobs echoed into the night. Leaning into Simone, she cried some more like a rushing well.

Simone: I got you. It's going to be okay. Everything is going to workout.

Olivia: What if it doesn't?

Simone: Then we'll figure out the next step. But for now let's get you cleaned up. How do you feel about a night out on the town? Show Montego Bay what we're made of.

Olivia: We can do that.

She wiped her eyelids pulling herself together. Everyone else were in a flabbergasted state but more so Spencer. Standing in a statue state looking forward. Replaying the last few minutes over and over in his head.

Coop: Yo Spencer you good?

Spencer: What just happened?

Jordan: I think she called off the wedding. Not really sure.

Coop: She said it was on hold so I don't think it's called off.

Asher: But what does that even mean? On hold. Can you really put a wedding on hold.

Patience: Yeah you can put a wedding on hold.

Coop: But how? Either you're getting married or not.

Patience: Maybe she doesn't want to fully call the wedding off. Emotions are very high right now.

JJ: Are we still celebrating?

Jordan: I don't think Spencer is in a celebrating mode.

Layla: Sorry JJ the night didn't go as planned.

JJ: It's all good. We can still enjoy this bonfire. Montego Bay Baby!

Spencer: I need to go talk to Liv.

Patience: Just let her cool down right now Spence.

Spencer: I got to talk to her.

Patience: I get that but did you pay attention to the look on her face. Clearly you ambushed her with this announcement. I don't think now is the time.

Spencer: Then when?

Patience: I don't know but definitely not at this moment. Give her some space.

Layla: Patience is right. Olivia just needs some space. Once her mind is clear she'll talk to you.

Coop: Are y'all really ganging up on him right now? He's just trying to talk to his girl.

Patience: Nobody is ganging up in him Coop. What he just did wasn't right. I'm just telling him to give her some breathing room.

Coop: I think he should go talk to her.

Patience: And I think cooler head will prevail better.

Coop: This is a big moment for him. They should talk it out and celebrate.

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