You Mean That Much (pt.2)

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"That's all you have to say?"

Spencer looked at his phone, trying to figure out why the voice on the other end wasn't much help.

"I just told you; Liv poured her heart and soul out to me. My ex-girlfriend gave me a love confession, and all you can say is, wow. I'm in a crisis, Ma."

"Calm down. You are not in a crisis."

After Olivia's love confession, Spencer needed some solid advice. Sound advice. He couldn't go to Jordan just because, well, he didn't trust any direction from the Baker Twin about his twin. Plus, he was hiding a secret behind Spencer's back. Coop hasn't been any help through this process, so it definitely wasn't reliable to call on her. Billy Baker, his father figure, mentor, and coach. He knew when he needed some real-life advice, Billy was his man. After AD Barnes dropped the bomb, Spence felt weary that he couldn't trust Billy.

"Ma, I need help." He clutches the phone close to his ear. Shifting into a comfortable position on the couch.

"I don't think I can help you with this one."

Spencer does a double-take at the phone.

"For someone who is and has always been so vocal about everything in my life, you can't help me this time!?"

"Spencer, I can't make a choice for you. Even if I could make a choice, I still wouldn't do it. This is what happens when you fall in and out of love. It comes with some tough decisions."

"You know you're giving me whiplash. I don't know if you're trying to point me in a certain direction or what." Letting out a hearty chuckle. "First, I'm damn near to tears on your shoulder talking about Liv. You're telling me it's loss I'm dealing with. Then the next, you're telling me to have fun, and Alicia's cute. At the roast, you see all my feelings written on my face and encourage me to try to regain my friendship with Liv. I'm so lost at what you're trying to tell me."

Grace Carter chuckles a little on the other end. The best part about being a parent is knowing your child from front to back. Knowing Spencer, he wanted her to tell him his path.

"You're a grown man. I can only advise and guide you."

"In total honesty, I don't think you're doing a great job at it."  A frustrated sigh releases.

"What are the things you like about Alicia?" Grace asks him.

He pondered his thoughts for a moment.

"Me and Alicia, we have a good time. There's a good vibe there. It's fun."

"That's all you have to say?"

"I guess. I don't know what else to say. We're still finding our way."

"Now, what about Olivia? What are things you like about her?"

Words couldn't even begin to express the things he likes about Olivia Baker.

"Man. I don't know where to start. There's so much I like about Liv. She isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. The way she cares about others and selflessly gives—something about Liv. She gets me, Ma. She gets me in a way that no one else does. I could go on and on. That's how deep our bond runs."

She never spoke a word. Doing what a mother does best, let him voice his thoughts and feelings. Spencer felt his heartstrings pulled when he mentioned the things he liked about Olivia.

"Then you know what to do." Grace Carter nonchalantly replies.

"That's the thing, Ma, I don't know what to do. It should be easy, but it's not. No matter what choice I make, someone gets hurt."

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