Passin Me By

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Hello lovely people! Hoping all is well in your lives. Tonight I'm rating the episode 9.5. I would say 10, but I'm waiting to see if other episodes can top this one lol.

I love opening an episode with Spelivia. They are so stinking cute lol. I'm here for the support and how they pour into each other. That's so important in a relationship (in my opinion). Spencer quoting lines from Liv's book and stating his favorite chapters is so amazing. Spelivia severed and feed us this episode. From the phone conversation, morning conversation, sideline talk and butt slap, blowing of the kiss, after game talk, and the date!!!! Spencer and Olivia are goals. Like I will keep saying it, they make you still believe in true authentic love!!! You can see that they want to win together and want to see their significant other win!!! Spelivia ate very good tonight!

I'm so glad this Jordan and Spencer beef is over right now. I love them showing up for each other. Still don't like Mac lol. Just don't trust him for some reason. Where is Kenny??? Jordan and Spencer walking out from the smoke onto the field gave me a buzz lol. It displayed their United front. I want their front to stay united. Mac is gunning for head coach.

Spencer is right about mental health being important. I'm glad Jordan isn't backing down with Layla's mental health. It's so important. Forget about wedding planning or setting a date. Right now they need to have more conversations like the one they are having now about Layla's mental health. More open conversations on how to support her with her mental health journey. I can see Jordan desperately wants to help her. Olivia and Spencer gave him good advice about researching and not pressuring her!!! Just be there!!!

Ashley I'm not sad to see you go. You over stayed your welcome. Spencer said boundaries needed to be had and Liv immediately started setting those boundaries. Ole boy was not taking a hint. You could tell Liv was uncomfortable when he said something about drawing a portrait of her and all that jive. Then you showed up with a portrait AFTER she said no. Yeah buddy it was time for you to bounce. Spencer said he was talking to his girl. Shut Ashley down Spence!!! But I'm glad he trusted Liv to handle Ashley. Liv shut him down!!! She let him know time should still when she meet Spencer James and nobody can make her feel that way!!! Yass Olivia Baker!!!

Asher the game will never leave you!!! Asher definitely wants to touch the green again and live out his dreams. He's been giving the chance to get back on the field. Do you guys think there is going to be a plot twist with Asher playing in the championship game? That dream hasn't left him. Preach gave Patience some dope advice. I agree with him. Like some things you can't take into the matter of your hand. You got to trust the process.

Dillion congratulations!!!! It's amazing to see where the James Boys started to where they are now. And it only makes sense that Dillion goes to some school in a different state since Jaylen is always busy!!! I love to see the wins on this show!!! Grace didn't want to let her baby go, but I'm glad they compromised!!! I wish Dillion all the success!!!

Okay so the promo put me in my feels!!! The music and how they said a special episode!!! Don't fail me please lol. Honestly I'm glad it's going to be actual Ghost Billy and not like that supernatural stuff they pulled in season 5 with Spencer in the mirror lol. I'm going to need that episode. This Sunday will make another year since my Granny's passing. It never gets easier just more bearable. Hearing Liv say she didn't get to say goodbye, I felt that. I believe we have all felt that. One minute they're here and the next they are gone. The grief episodes helped me with my grief and I feel like this episode will help me more.

Sound off and let me know your thoughts!!! Love you guys ❤️.

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