We're Back

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Happy Monday and Welcome Back. So glad to be back and I bet you guys are wondering where I have been! When All American took a two week break, I took a two week break lol. So many exciting things has happened in my life the past two weeks so I was soaking them up. My bestie had her baby. I was finally able to hang with my guy bestie after not seeing him for two months. Between the both of us we stay busy. So yeah I've been soaking up good times and rest these past weeks. Wasn't an intentional break but a needed one. I know you guys are going to tell me it's okay and take as much time as I need, but I still want to apologize for going MIA lol. Honestly taking a break from writing has been so cleansing due to the lack of writer's block I've been having. Now let's get into tonight's episode shall we? First let's recap.

Last time we were all together, we seen Spencer finally being accepting of his grief and abandonment issues. Dr. Spears is a miracle worker because we've been needing Spencer to address these issues since season 1. Addressing his abandonment issues helped me see why he broke up with Liv (still a stupid breakup). Spence was afraid that Liv would walk away from him just like others in his life so before she could do it (which she wouldn't) he decided to save himself a small ounce of pain. Honestly it's time to address the break up but they're still dragging it so anywho. Alright so everyone is in Crenshaw with open arms for Spencer. EVERYONE WHO IS MEANT TO BE THERE!!! He finds out Liv did all this for HIM. He like yep time to get my woman back! I want and need her back! I'm so in love with this girl ain't no way I'm letting her go! They were about to go take that walk then an unwanted guest arrived and ruined the meant to be reunion moment. Clearly they didn't read the room because the faces on Coop and Jordan was wtf. Caught up? I hope so because let's get into tonight's episode.

Okay so this won't be long lol. Tonight's episode ummm yep not much to say. You guys never hear me say this but I'm saying it today........it definitely was a filler episode! Like there isn't nothing for me to break down or really discuss. Spencer and Jordan dynamic tonight I liked. Both were on the same page or stepping outside the box. I'm all for second chances and Spencer's pick is cute. Just putting that out there lol. The light and airy moments between the girls I love. We need a girls' night out or in don't you guys think? Need more or those moments.

They just had to break my Liv's heart. Gosh I almost cried with her because that is an overwhelming heartbreaking loss. And if I were in her shoes I k ow I would feel the same. We keep foreshadowing about weddings....manifesting Spelivia getting married. Too many signs are pointing to marriage.

Hitting on JJ and Coop since the episode to really focus on them. Starting with Coop. Let me be childish for a second. Hahaha haha that's what you get Tamia Cooper!!! Trying to tell Spelivia how to navigate their relationship now you're without one. I need Spencer to come in and tell you to move on like you did him. Okay I got that off my chest. When she started to talk all proper I'm like Coop please stop because this isn't working ma'am. Just be you! But you cannot be talking to your professor like that sweetie. Glad to see something positive going on for her because you guys know she brings the drama. Finally they are having JJ take the steps to seek true professional help. I do admire the fact they addressed fentanyl in this episode. This is a deadly drug that is killing so many people. Does this mean the end for JJ on the show now? Or do you guys think we will see him in the season finale or new season?

The best thing for me was having our BIG THREE moment at the end. Like I have missed this trio being together in the same room and sharing a moment. We need more of this too. Liv's protectors having her back and letting her know don't worry about us, you do what's right for Liv! Definitely revealing that she wrote the article is a great way to honor Billy. He would have told her to go for it if she had the chance to tell him about the award. Liv, Spencer, and Jordan bond is so tight and I adore their relationship. Now why is the wicked witch at our girl's award ceremony next week??? Like why?? How did you get in??? Spelivia matching anyway so hmph. Yeah I'm really over Alicia. Spencer better kiss Liv on the cheek after she gets her award. Yep I just want to keep throwing salt in Alicia's wounds because why are you still here?!!!

Did you guys see the little Spencer and Liv hand hold?!! So Cute!!

I'm going to try my hardest to get back into the writing lab. My sinuses are kicking my butt! Love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️.

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