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The fact they addressed the break up was STUPID in the writing is a WIN!!! Like thank you!!! Finally!! Liv speaking her mind just ughhh. I literally wanted to cry happy tears because I love that for our girl. Olivia Baker is back in the house and she's made it clear she's not going anywhere!!! During the auction she started to get self conscious but found that confidence!!! Tonight's episode really was giving. And I'm not just hyping the episode because we had some bomb Spelivia scenes. It really did give something that needed to be gave.

It's the fact, this girl knows her man and they're not even together. She knows what relaxes him. What helps him relieve tension. Baby girl said go for a run and when you come back a protein shake will be waiting for you. Spencer was chocolate blushing because he has been missing this piece of him. When Alicia thought sex would help relieve his tension, I'm just like no ma'am. He wouldn't let her into his thoughts so I think that speaks volumes for him. Even though I hate that him and Billy are at odds at a little, I think this was definitely a wake up call for Spencer.

Now I knew Layla was team Spelivia. She finally came around to being a fan lol. Just kidding. But I love how she held down Liv in getting her man back. So I'm here for Layla and Liv building their friendship in a new light. When I say Spencer looked like he was sweating bullets when Liv said her two bids. He didn't know what he was getting himself into. Olivia walked up and said you ready. Forgetting Alicia was there. Our girl was petty and I mean petty. Saying oh yeah you were at my dad's party. You looked familiar. Liv even let it be known she knows what Spence's going through and she has the perfect date for him to relive some tension. Our girl ate and left no crumbs. It was just ughhhhhh!!! I'm just so hype about this bad bitch energy she was giving tonight!!!

The rage room was a great date. It actually was the perfect date. Liv was trying to relieve their first moment but Spencer had to bring up when they thought he was their brother. Like dude stop ruining the moment. But he did tell her he was proud of her and that her article was amazing. So that meant a lot hearing that come from him. Because honestly you can tell she's still blaming herself a little. I enjoyed seeing them break things and just let go. I wouldn't mind going to a rage room. The Bye Alicia from Liv's mouth!!!!! Y'all I basically screamed and clapped. I'm like Yesss you better come through with the big energy tonight. Olivia would have confessed those feelings but Spencer hit her with the friend word!! I'm like we were so close to sis going in for a kiss and saying her peace!! It's just a-lot we could unpack from the rage room because it gave a lot.

The little look they gave each other at the beach house has my heart!! No words had to be spoken to feel that energy. But let me back up a little bit. Alicia was massaging him and noticed the tension was gone. It was another realization for her. She's asking him to be open and she wants to be here for everything, but I think she's really accepting the fact that Spencer isn't ready for this relationship. And honestly this was the wake up call she needed. Even though signs had been present and the things he said should of been a wake up call. But some times you just need everything to really hit you in the face to really accept something you've been trying to ignore. I think Alicia is realizing she can't ignore this anymore. So hopefully the next episode she stops ignoring what's in front of her. I agree Spencer is a great guy but he's just not the guy for her.

Liv had shut it down and had Spencer stuck. He was on the verge of tears. I cried. No lie. When Olivia spoke her truth and finished with how's that for honesty, I was stuck as well. I'm glad she told him that her light has never dimmed around him. She doesn't want to be his friend. They work so damn hard to get where they are and she refuses to go back to friends. Telling him that he knows that they are more than friends. She told him I WANT YOU BACK!!!!! We might not got the Spelivia kiss tonight but we won with our girl finally speaking her TRUTH!!!! The conversation would have carried if Billy didn't come in. But honestly I'm glad he did because Liv needed to drop the mic and have Spencer sit in his thoughts. During the breakup he did all the talking so this time it was her turn. It shouldn't be a lot to unpack for but it is. Now he has to process his internal emotions. Spencer didn't know how Liv was all the way feeling about the breakup besides the first conversation after the breakup and that didn't fully give Liv's feelings. So I'm glad he has to sit in his thoughts and really think about things.

I'm torn with the Billy and Spencer situation. Because I see both point of views. I do. The fact Billy said he wants to coach both of his sons and he can't miss the opportunity. And Spencer said you're a great man for Crenshaw. They both want the best for each other. I think this is harder to watch than when Billy was mad about Spencer training Jordan. The conversation was calm and hearing each other out. It's just hard because you see this more than a coach and player bond. It's a father and son bond. My emotions are just a lot with this situation. Hopefully these will not be their last words to each other. They need to make it right.

Glad to see Asher and JJ make amends. No matter what, JJ is always around for his bros. Liv addressing his drinking makes me proud of her. She doesn't want to see him continue on the path of destruction. Maybe the group should address his drinking more.

Next week, I don't want to even because I'm scared. Let's just hope everyone makes everything right. Life is too precious to lose anymore time.

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