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Before we get into tonight's All American Review/Thoughts, I want to shout a special writer that's near and dear to my heart. @NefieBolin ! If you guys have not checked out her stories well you need to drop everything you're doing and check them out. I promise you won't be disappointed. You may go on some angst,tear jerking,fluffiness roller coast rides in these stories but the end result never disappoints. Just have to stick through with the stories. Sis I just wanted to give you your flowers and let you know I appreciate your craft so much. Keep writing ❤️❤️.

There are so many amazing Spelivia fanfics on this app so be sure to check them out in your spare time.

Okay shall we talk about tonight's episode?! I think so! Let's get into it.

Okay so I give this episode a 7/10. It wasn't too bad but I guess it could have used some umph to it. And I know you guys are going to say the whole season needs some umph lol.

Mama Grace doesn't approve this relationship. It's written all over her face and attitude. Can't blame her because Mother knows best 99.9% of the time. She gave Spencer that extra piece of bacon cause she knew her baby was hungry. I feel Grace on wanting a craft room because I'm craft girl myself but it was a little too soon for Spencer. He said where's my bed. Y'all know he was missing that bed because of all the good times him and Liv shared in that twin size!!! Anyway we have Alicia staying too help which was mistake number one. Well back up mistake number one was having her cook breakfast for your mama!! Now Liv would have let Mama Grace cook breakfast or learned to cook breakfast from Mama Grace just saying!!! The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If his mama ain't approving of your food and giving him extra then you're doing something sis.

Now on to my girl Liv. She's stressing out over this speech. Our girl is a perfectionist and gets into her head a lot. Can't blame her because I'm the same way at times. Mama Laura can't believe her daughter has like 8 drafts of this speech. She's stressing Laura lol. Jordan comes in like Superman, shuts that laptop and says we are going out. Which is a great idea because she has been stuck up in that room.

Spencer you know you're family so I don't know why you were trying to downplay like you're not. But he was trying to spare ole girl feelings (basically he didn't want to take her). I respect Spencer for not inviting her and just saying I'm slide back and not go. Even though his reason was stupid but I respect it. Glad we got to see Marco and I hope we get more of him in these last three episodes.

Seeing Liv dance was a breath of fresh air. It's one of her many loves and I saw the light in her eyes. Clearly we know Jordan definitely got his moves from Billy. Billy could bust a move from time to time but Liv is the true dancer of the family. I hate that she had gotten in her head hade to cut her dance short. We're still seeing her grieve Billy and missing their bond. I'm glad we're not ignoring that at all. Jordan can always come through with something inspirational for Liv when he's in his right mind lol. Love seeing the twin bonding and them coming together. Need more that. Definitely loved Laura and Jordan helping Olivia get ready for the banquet.

I'll focus back on Liv but I need to hit get this topic of discussion out the way so I can enjoy my Spelivia moments from tonight lol. Alicia do not pass go or collect 200 sis. Just don't. Grace Carter you know you can be petty without being petty. What time are you and Spencer going to Liv's award banquet?! Alicia didn't have a true answer because she didn't know. You know why she didn't know, because Spencer didn't tell her that's why. Spencer coming in thinking it's date and this girl is packing away food talking about we're going to Liv's award ceremony. Spencer is shocked and confused. Like did you just invite yourself to my ex's award ceremony??!! Spencer made it clear he thought it was just a family thing and he doesn't think Liv and Alicia are cool enough for him to just bring her with him!!! Alright y'all this my favorite part!! Alicia dug her own grave! I mean took the shovel and dug it herself. You done told Spencer that Olivia is the reason y'all are back together. OLIVIA BAKER IS THE REASON YALL ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! Spencer said wait run that back. Spence looked pissed! And I'm going to say more so at Alicia because it seems like you got back with him because he's ex is the one who said you needed to be there for him. Not you feeling that you should be there for him. Yep rip Alicia because that didn't set right with Spencer Alonzo James. And stop inviting yourself places too.

I feel like a proud parent. Liv winning that award and standing on her truth is everything to me. She deserves it and so much more!!! Spencer James was the first one to stand up for his wife after her speech. Gosh I can that a lot the future so freaking cute. Speaking from the heart is always the key and way. I will always speak from the heart no matter how many times I prepare a speech lol. Spelivia moments before the big announcement and after was just so stinking cute. They know each other through and through. It's clear to everyone in the room. Spencer is right, Olivia should go after the life she wants and I'm here for it. Be a college freshman and experience college. You have your whole life ahead of you. Time is of the essence so live in the moment.!!

I know there are other things to discuss but I need to wrap it up lol. Patience and Skye....I think I could ship them. Maybe because Coop has pissed off too much this season lol. Loving Layla and her daddy working together. I'm going to say tonight was a win for me because Alicia has dug her own grave, Spelivia was serving, and we got a kiss on the cheek. I will go to bed a happy woman tonight. Oh yeah we did call it when we said Alicia was going to tell on herself. Next week's promo wasn't serving but we shall see. Love you guys ❤️

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