MidSeason Premiere Review

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BAAAAABBBBYYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm not hyping this episode up but I'm kinda hyping it up!! Now this is how you return after a month and a half off. Serving the good Spelivia angst and looks!! Before I get into Spelivia let me talk about our girl. OLIVIA BAKER!!! OLIVIA BAKER!!!! She better come through with the confidence and reading Coop! I promised I cheered so loud when she told Coop about herself in that spilt second. I'm here for Olivia being confident and speaking out more this second half of the season. Poor Noah. Baby is going to get his heart broke. He was being a good friend offering to be her pretend date but was actually on a mission for hisself lol. It's good to see her smiling. We needed this for her and I hope we can see more of Liv truly smiling the rest of the season.

Now Spencer Alonzo James. Baby Boy! You knew it wasn't going to go over well when you invited Alicia to the party. Like sir....girl clearly saw that you're still in love with Olivia Baker. Stop making unnecessary excuses and just say yes I'm still and will forever be in love with Olivia Baker. The way he looked seeing Olivia walk in with Noah and laughing with him.....y'all Alonzo stepped out. Not Spencer lol. When Alicia got in her feelings, he was honest with her and told her look you said you wanted this to be causal. Don't go back on your word now and be in your feels. I'm with him on that!

For the main event and the reason we all are gathered here, Spelivia. Here they go dropping the word "Friends." Like now you both know you two can't be friends anymore especially after everything. You two are too deep in love to be just best friends. So miss us with that. Spencer did grab my heart when he said the most important relationship in his life and looked at Liv. That was a straight face crack happening to Alicia watching Spencer watch Liv. I'm glad Spencer and Olivia did communicate some tonight. It was light but they did speak the truth in the things they said in the small amount of time of their conversation. So to me that's a win and a step in the right direction to be able to have the hard conversation. We wanted to count Mama Grace out but somehow she knows how to win us over sometimes. She was honest about Spelivia's relationship and the fact she sees her son is clearly in love with Olivia. Grace knows there will be no other Olivia for Spencer. And no other Spencer for Olivia. My hope and wish is that Spencer and Olivia have the hard conversation that strengthens their communication, trust, love, and entire relationship. Spelivia still serve those looks of desire and want. I love it ❤️!!!! I can go on and on about Spelivia but I just find them as an inspiration of what love should be and how you should be feeling. They make me think about the type of relationship I want in my life.

Overall I enjoyed tonight's episode. Definitely was a mess fest. From the exes serving jealously. Seeing the reason Skye wanting Coop to move out is due to wanting her away from Patience. Jordan and Layla having their first fight. Now that was just wow. Jordan didn't have to go in on Layla with the thing about Simone being his wife even though it's true. The roast.....I was here for it because everyone got a chance to read Billy and it was straight facts. Grace always catches on when something isn't right with Billy. But I don't think she should be fully upset with him because he didn't go in trying to get a job. He was fighting for Kenny but AD Barnes decided he wanted Billy. Yes Billy is selfish but if he really wanted to be head coach he wouldn't have spoke up for Kenny. He would have suggested hisself. One thing I wish would have happened tonight....Olivia and Alicia meeting. Oh my goodness that would be good tv. I get it....we have to take baby steps!! But I got a feeling a showdown will come soon. I keep thinking about Noah and baby is about to get his feelings hurt. Poor tink tink. Liv got confident kissing him. I don't know what came over her but she deserve some fun so I'm not mad.

The preview for next week, it seems like it will be a good episode. Spencer walking in on Noah and Olivia date.....oooo we getting Alonzo again!!! I can't wait for this! Cause I know some words have to be served between them two. It's been a long time coming for the Noah and Spencer showdown. So if we don't get that moment then that sucks. Anywho I love you guys and been missing our conversations. I'll be back with part five of Mine real soon. Hopefully this weekend. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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