Tonight's Review

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SPENCER ALONZO JAMES!!!! We said he was going to do something stupid and he did!! Like just because you see Olivia on a date doesn't mean she's over you!! Like stop thinking you know what she's feeling and START ASKING!!! See that's what has us in this whole situation right now!! You think you know how she's feeling when you don't!!! Alonzo just being Alonzo. Go talk to that woman before doing something crazy was my advice but clearly he didn't listen. And saying him and liv aren't getting back together, honestly I laughed at that like okay Spencer. Stop trying to make girl feel better. You should have said I don't know what's really going to happen with me and Olivia in the near future.

Moving on from Spencer being dumb because we already know he is and that this little so called new found relationship isn't going to last. Our girl Olivia.....see she has common sense. She faced it head on that she isn't fully feeling Noah. Smart girl! That vision of Spencer in the mirror was kind of freaky lol. When Noah said something about watching movies she quickly shut that down. That's how you know she's true to movie nights with Spencer ❤️.

Even though the night didn't end how we thought, my favorite part was Mama Laura and Liv. I always knew I liked Laura! She told Olivia fight for your man and go after your MAN!!! The best advice she has gotten since this break up!! Finally someone telling her go after what makes you happy and damn everything else!!! I'm so glad Olivia made it clear she wasn't happy without Spencer and that he was WRONG!!! We need more of these Mama Laura and Liv conversations. They're essential and I think we get more of Liv's perspective.

If Alicia doesn't see she's a replacement then you know what, let her continue to be dumb. Girl you had like a bunch of chances to walk away but nope you just have to stick around. You're only going to end up with hurt feelings in the end. Spencer made a decision on impulse and I don't think she sees that. He said he seen Liv on a date and happy! So he took that as a sign! Now if someone tells you that they seen their ex on a date happy as a sign it should be a red flag. I know I wouldn't want to be an impulse choice just because someone thinks that's what they're suppose to do. But she'll never learn so let's move on!

Noah and Liv's date was definitely short lived. But we knew that! Ummm so you could tell the only thing they have in common is work. And that's all it will ever be. I'm going to go off the limb and say Liv forced herself to move on and try something different. Which is okay but I think it should be naturally. Meaning when she's actually ready to take that step. It would have been great for both Spencer and Liv to have flashbacks on their relationship during the blackout.

You know what, Spencer needs to bump his head. He spoke for how things are between him and Liv without getting clear indication on what Olivia is feeling. This is just a lesson that he has to learn from. The grass isn't greener on the other side. Also don't assume you know how one is feeling without hearing how they actually feel.

Coop is getting her karma always being in someone's (SPENCER) business. Now your new girl is chilling with your ex girl lol. Figure that out sis and let Spencer handle his business himself. And stop trying to force this man to do something he isn't READY for!!

I see next is the auction and we're getting that date! I'm very interested in how this will go down. It's pretty cool they're going somewhere you can break things because it's definitely needed between them. Feelings are definitely still strong. The love is clearly still there. Breaking things could help their frustrations to break the ice and talk about everything! They were serving those longing eyes in the promo so who knows! Truly I'm happy that the auction and date are in the same episode. To see the reaction of the auction and the date is really important for me. Plus this need to add indication to Ms. Alicia that Spencer isn't truly ready. She said she didn't want to be the other woman but honestly that's going to happen. She's falling too hard and just making things harder for herself. On this date, if Olivia has her chance to express what she's feeling then she needs to express what she's feeling. And Spencer needs to LISTEN! Big on the LISTEN!

Right now I think that's it for now. Can't wait to see what you guys are feeling and the thoughts you have. I'm working on part five but something always comes up so I need you guys to please be patient with me. Lots of love and positivity your way ❤️❤️❤️.

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