This Is How We Do It

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Before getting into this review I have an important message. Right now I'm on hiatus from writing until after the 22nd. It's the end of the year so my life is a little bit hectic right now. Feel free to give any ideas that you may have. Just taking a short break. I will still review the last two episodes of this season. Go ahead comment or message me your ideas. Summer break will be filled with writing and reading ❤️.

Time For My Thoughts On Tonight's Episode!


Okay so tonight's episode actually gave for me in my opinion. There was no sticking long on certain storylines. I feel like everyone got good camera time for their storylines tonight. Definitely not mad at this episode.

Dr.Spears's sessions have been helping our boy out because he was ready to rumble in that lock room but remembered he's working through some things. Spencer doesn't play about Olivia Baker at all. Ready to throw a couple of licks. I don't blame him if he did.

Liv getting into her college experience was a breath of fresh air. Made me miss college even though it hasn't been that long lol. Also made me wonder why I never got into certain activities on campus. Blair you are so lucky Liv was very understanding because I have a feeling she would have popped off on you! Luckily Liv found a place where she belongs!! Can I say I'm team Devita, Kia, and Liv friendship. I'm truly here for it and wish that we had gotten more of them. We need more of them together next season. Liv needs other friends too. Honestly glad her and Kia still have a great friendship. Like honestly they connect on a lot of things and their friendship didn't come together because of just Spencer.

Asher and Jaymee are so cute to me. Can't help but love them. Loved everyone's excitement for them. What's not to love about babies. They're so stinking cute. I can't say much on the big sister because my sister is my straight ride or die. She's always going to be protective and still wants me to live my life. So I can't fault Kaycee knowing I got a sister kind of like her but not overly protective lol. Asher how trust in Jaymee's instincts in what's best for her health. Remember her taking risk and being brave is what attracted you to her in the first place.

Football teams and fashion shows seem like a good combination right? I think so because tonight let's just say Spelivia definitely has the moves but we've been knew that. It's the way Spencer and Liv know how to jump in help each other out. Like their minds just communicate without verbally speaking. Alicia please do not offer anyone's home sweetie. But there's no point of saying that to you now since you're finally out the door. I'll get into in a minute. Mama Grace have so dope advice without just calling out the fact. It had underlying meaning and I love that. Yes I love a lot of things lol! Spelivia turns on that chemistry and always serve. Glad to see the football team make amends not just as a team but with Olivia as well. Like come on let's move past this freaking article. She won an award People so just suck it up buttercup because at least you won't be a test dummy now!!

Don't you love a good friend who plots and schemes so you can have a moment with you better half? Kia is that friend and I love her!! And thank you models that ended up with the flu feel better soon. The choreography for this fashion show.....oh my goodness!!! Daniel you can move!! Yes I was here on my couch hot and bothered because Spencer James was killing it. Everything came together so well. But now my favorite moment was of course Spence and Liv. They left no crumbs. I felt all of what they were feeling. Shoot Spencer felt all of that because he was like yep time to gone and give ole girl those walking papers. Man I wished they would have kissed because there is definitely some sexual tension there. Scratch that....ALOT!!!! I promise I will watch all their moments all week and be happy the rest of the week.

Skye I'm so disappointed in you girl. You got back with Coop out of guilt like Alicia did Spencer. Coop got played right in her face and didn't know until the end. I would have been questioned why Skye was being so nice to me after being hella pissed off. Coop heartbroken you guys. That's a rough one because your new boo was tonguing down your ex boo. Poor tink tink. Better luck next time Coop.

I think we have sat through 15 episodes of knowing Alicia existed and was in Spencer's presence. The day has come where we can finally lock and bolt the door people. She has officially left the building. Packed up everything and is GONE!!!! Thank you for taking off the blinders and knowing your worth sis. I preferred her to break up with Spencer. She knew what she was getting into. Alicia had valued points of how they both should have not went this far. She actually handled this breakup well because she owned up to her BLINDNESS!!! And yes you deserve better. Spencer isn't the one for you!! But it shouldn't have taken a dance between him and Liv to open both of your eyes. You both how signs and indications that this relationship wasn't meant to last. Honestly this breakup ended how it needed to ended. Thought she was going to try to blame Spencer for everything but she owned up to her part.

Tonight's episode didn't lack for me. A lot was accomplished besides Spelivia getting back together lol. Talk to me people because I know you guys are either celebrating or dying to share your thoughts lol. Love you guys ❤️

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