I Got You

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Every since Olivia and Spencer found out that they were expecting, they have been on cloud nine. Already making plans and arrangements for their new addition. Today was the first of many check ups for the baby.

Olivia: Oh my gosh I'm nervous.

Spencer: (chuckles) Why?

Olivia: I don't know. Maybe because I real life have a real human inside of me. (Looks at him) I don't know anything about babies.

Spencer: I don't know that much either.

Olivia: Great we're screwed as parents.

Spencer: No we're not. We don't have to know every single thing. We're going to learn all of this together. (Takes her hand)

Olivia: Love you. (Pecks his lips)

Nurse: Olivia Baker-James.

Olivia and Spencer followed the nurse to the back. She instructed Liv to lay on table and the doctor would be in with them shortly.

Olivia: You know what I could go for right now?

Spencer: What?

Olivia: I could really use a nice double bacon cheeseburger that's extra cheesy. (Moans) That would definitely be heaven on earth.

Spencer: (chuckles) I see that the cravings are beginning.

Olivia: Oh no they started before I told you. While I was at work yesterday, I had pickles and icecream for lunch.

Spencer: Babe that's disgusting.

Olivia: Not to your baby. I wanted something and sweet.

Spencer: Why not eat kettle corn if you wanted those combinations.

Olivia: Because that's not what we wanted.

Spencer: No one noticed your change of appetite, did they?

Olivia: No I had my door shut while I was eating. And music on when I was puking out my guts.

Spencer: Good. Not on the puking, but the no one noticed. Don't need anyone going to TMZ exposing our business before we can tell our family.

Olivia: I highly doubt that anyone would do that.

Spencer: Maybe not but I still want to be extra cautious. I don't want our family or friends finding out on social media.

Olivia: Yeah. How are we even going to tell them that we're having a baby? You think we should wait till after I actually have the baby to tell them?

Spencer: (chuckles) We definitely can't do that. Both of our moms would kill us. (Liv smiles) How about in a week or two, we invite your parents, my mom, and De'Angelo to tell them the good news. Then we're figure out how to tell our friends. Deal?

Olivia: (smiles) Deal.

Dr. Russell: (knocks and come in) Hello Mr. and Mrs. James. I see we're back on greater circumstances. (Smiles) So are we ready to take a look?

Olivia: (nervous) Let's do it.

Dr. Russell: Okay so to run down today's appointment, we're going to confirm that you are definitely pregnant and determine how far along you are. Sound like a plan?

Spencer: Sounds like a plan.

Dr. Russell: Okay Olivia, if you would lay back and lift up your shirt for me. Spencer you can be right here beside her. (Putting on gloves) I'm going to put this gel on your stomach. I warn you that it might feel a little cold. (Applies gel) Okay let's take a look. (Moving wand around)

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