Why I Love You

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Tears escaping both set of eyelids. Neither able to speak another word besides Olivia excusing herself to the bathroom. Torn between grabbing her hand and letting her know last night wasn't a one time thing. It could never be a one time thing with her.

So much love and joy inside this venue and here he was heartbroken. This wasn't how this moment was suppose to be. This wasn't what he envisioned a few months ago after Grace's engagement. Sniffling away the other tears that threatened to fall.

"Why you standing over?" Coop approached him.

"I'm good." Glancing down at his shoes then back up again.

"You look like a lost ass puppy. Have you been crying?"

"I said I'm good Coop. Drop it."

Being the one who was always to pester further, Coop decided to stand down at the moment. Scanning over Spencer, she knew this was a moment her best friend needed advice.

" I seen you in Liv talking. Everything good between y'all?"

He could answer a simple No and pour out his heart to his best friend. Or simple keep what he was feeling bottled up. Either way, it wasn't going to stop nosy Coop.

"All good."

"Why you lying? It clear you've been crying and how Liv beelined to the bathroom, everything ain't alright."

No better time to let your guard down then right now at a wedding. There was no reason to hide behind a mask of a smiling face when you're hurting inside. A hurt that isn't curable in a day or like a common cold.

"This isn't how I pictured tonight. Yeah I pictured my ma's happy and having the best time of her life, but I saw myself happy in the picture. I even seen Liv in that picture. Us. Happy. Smiling. Laughing. Dancing. I pictured us being one. Experiencing these moments without her doesn't feel right Coop."

"You're still experiencing this moment with her. Yeah y'all might not be together but y'all still in the same room together. Living in the same moment."

"I don't want to be living the same moment. I want us to be in the moment together. I stood there giving a speech about happiness and true love when I'm missing out."

Regret and guilt came rushing through his veins. Living in the moment and sharing the moment was two completely different things. His heart broke with visions of Olivia's face whenever they broke up, their first encounter, game night, watching her while she slept last night.

"Okay then do what you got to do."

"It's not that simple."

"Why can't it be?! What's stopping you from your happiness? Nothing. You said last night how much you miss Liv. While you were telling me that, you should have been saying that to her. Dawg that girl loves you and you love her. She's just scared. What y'all had was deeper than that high school stuff. It goes beyond that. Don't miss out on your good thing Spence."

In the middle of the night he would steal glances of Olivia to make sure she was real. To make sure that they were really laying together and this wasn't another one of his dreams that he was having. His love ran deeper for her with each passing day and night. The heartache that he's felt for the past weeks only hurted more when he was in a room with her and he couldn't be as close as he wanted. He would give anything to relieve that ache.

"Olivia...Sweetie...it's mom."

Laura Baker took notice of her daughter's disappearance act to the bathroom. She had been worried about Liv every since the break up. Laura reached out several times but Olivia would always shut it down with an Im Fine or It's Okay. Laura knew her daughter better than that.

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