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Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick. The only sound heard inside the beach house. Not a human soul made a sound. California sun rays floated through the window. Inhaling and exhaling a few deep breaths. One hand behind his head and the other on his heart. Beading eyes traced every part of the ceiling. Lost in deep thoughts. Mentally screaming at himself for the choices he has made over the past few weeks. And last night was the most extensive and stupidest choice he's made since that faithful Christmas Eve night.

He probably has screwed himself out any more chances once word gets out. Trust, word travels fast in the vortex. The buzzing of his phone paused his thinking. Looking over to see an incoming text from a name that shall not be spoken at the moment. Saying that she had a good time and hoped they could do it again sometime. Debating whether to respond or not, he decided to flip the phone over. Maybe last night can be a faded memory of the past.

"Bro, we got to go." His best friend/brother came bursting inside his room.

"Ever heard of knocking J?"

"Yeah, yeah. Knock. But seriously, we got to get to GAU like now."

"What's up with the big rush?" Sitting up against the headboard.

"Something happened at the press conference with Coach Garrett. We need to go like now."

Jordan headed back to his quarters. Spencer jumped from the bed and headed straight to take another shower. Getting ready for his day, he made mental notes of things he needed to do. One would be burning his whole comforter.

The elite athletes walked inside the gym, finding everyone in a buzz and speaking to some of their teammates, and looking to find Coach Garrett. Various sports outlets present them.

Jordan tapped Spencer on the shoulder.

"There's dad and Liv."

Billy was trying to keep his daughter from burning a hole into the floor as she paced back and forth for the millionth time.

"Babygirl, I need you to calm down."

"This isn't possible. He can't do this, can he?" Throwing her hands up in frustration.

"He can, and it's done."

"What's done?" Jordan questioned the duo.

"Hey, fellas," Billy spoke, palming his face.

"What's done, Coach?"

"Garrett has-"

"He's Resigned. That's What Happened!" Olivia saw red, and nothing was bringing her down.

"Back up, Coach Garrett just resigned?" Jordan stated in pure shock.

"Yeah. And I've been here trying to calm your sister down for the last few minutes, but that's not happening."

"I should have gone with you last night. How does Garrett even know about my story?" She gave none of the three men a chance to answer. "I tell you how! Your friend is the one who told him! Then Garrett has the nerve to threaten me. Who the hell does he think he is."

Spencer's ears perked up at the mention of Olivia being threatened.

"He threatened you?"

"Not in many words. He threw me, possibly ruining your and Jordan's careers."

"Sis, you know that's not true. If anything, he could have possibly ruined our careers."

"Maybe to you two, but maybe he's right. I've been way over my head with this article. And Garrett is a clever mastermind because he just pulled the greatest move of resigning. GAU's football program is in the smoke, so why add to it now? It will be my word against his at this point. My article is dead now."

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