How Are We Feeling????

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Hello my beautiful people. Long time no see!! Your girl has busy. I'm working on my master's degree and working a full time job! Please send positive energy and prayers up for me!!!

I don't know about you guys but I'm super geeked about All American returning back to us on April 1. How do you guys feel about All American and All American: Homecoming being separated now? In my honest opinion it doesn't matter to me. I think this might be for the best.

Loving Olivia's new look. It's everything!!! I'm super excited to see her grow and evolve this season. Even happier that she stated she's not the same Olivia anymore. Spencer is still fine as ever (in my opinion). I thought he would have a relaxed season but who was I kidding. It's NK that we're dealing with!! What I'm hoping for Spelivia is a lot of growth, love, understanding,and not repeating same mistakes. You know learning from those small mistakes and growing together. And I'm hoping the communication gets back on point. Do you guys think Spencer felt some type of way when Laura said the twins were Billy's legacy. He didn't look too happy. Billy stated Spencer was apart of his legacy. I'm thinking that statement made him feel type of way.

Are we gearing up for the NFL???? I would hope so!! Once again Spencer and Jordan are bumping heads! I think it's time to finally address the elephant in the room and lay it all on the table. It's time to admit that old wounds haven't healed and jealousy is still there and it's been brewing. Jordan's jealousy of Spencer has never went away. Just been swept under the rug.

Is trouble brewing paradise for Jordan and Layla? Is the honeymoon about to be over. I see a handsome billionaire is her new business partner. I smelling a little trouble possibly. And why are we acting like Patience is dead. Chelesa has made it obvious that Patience isn't going no where. How do you guys think they will address JJ no longer being present?

Coop I need you to pick one career path and stay with. Cause are you going back to rapping or trying to be Spencer's manager now? Like girl I thought we were becoming this empowered lawyer!! We shall see.

I'm just super excited for Spelivia. I think that's all I'm really thinking about. Cause I know they are about to serve and give me everything I've been missing.

Sound off on your thoughts!!!!

Love you guys!!!

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