Public Announcement

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Hello my lovely people. Okay let's unpack tonight's episode. My rating for this episode is 8/10. It's not overly done. We are still unpacking which I like. Love seeing family moments. Glad the family ties are back because we've been missing that for a while.

I like how nothing was dragged out. Definitely kept the episode moving. Okay so a lot of media has been swarming GAU cause of Spencer. We know Spence isn't a huge media person. He wanted to drown out that noise, but I think he definitely opened a can of worms by declaring so early. That's just more added person for him and more eyes on him. I know he can weather the storm, but don't want him to take his eye off the prize. Loved that the three most important women in his life were the first to celebrate him!!

The Baker Twin dynamic started off shaky this episode. I see Jordan's POV some on why not this discuss this before taking the idea to a publisher. I see that POV, but I think Jordan is experiencing the feeling of being left behind. Everyone is moving on without you could say. His future plan is to marry Layla, but I'm not sure about that. Layla is showing signs of being hesitant with the choice she made. There are wounds that Jordan have not healed from. Scars left open by Billy. I think it's time Jordan face the demons he have ran from for so long. I glad he finally gave Olivia the support, but you can tell he was hurt with her telling Spencer first. He has to come face to face with his insecurities. I no longer think it's about Spencer.  The truth is starting to hit Jordan. I want him to be careful because I think this new coach is only using him for his own benefit. Plus he knows Jordan is vulnerable with the loss of Billy. I just don't got a great feeling about ole dude.

It takes a village to raise a child. Jaymee is kind of over asking their village. She wants to prove that they can do this on their own. She's experiencing mom guilt. Which is something hard to get through. Asher and Jaymee are great parents. Do I like the fact that they are moving into Billy's childhood home? I'm not so big on it right now. I honestly thought Jordan and Layla would be the logical answer since Spencer and Olivia say they are taking things "slow". I'm honestly glad their story line is parenthood this season. We're seeing the ups and downs of parenthood and having that village.

I'm calling it now, Layla is not sure about marriage. She's rethinking everything. It's so evident on how she's finding every reason to keep from talking about moving in together or a wedding venue. Do I think something will happen with her and Ryan? I'm not sure. Is it possible? Yes. She's in a state of rethinking so that makes you  vulnerable to others. I see her confiding in Jaymee about her insecurities with such a huge commitment. It would seem natural to go to Liv, but Liv is too close to Jordan.

Spencer and Olivia!!! Just love them and seeing their relationship blossom. I understand the real life conversations that they are having. I'm glad they are having these talks about their future. Them talking about Billy was everything!!!! Liv told her man her daddy would tell him to put his self first!!! And Billy would have, but I don't think he mean declare so easily  and early lol. I'm glad Spencer was more concerned about hearing Olivia had said home wasn't home. That man is down bad. Liv is right though. When you leave home things changes and sometimes things aren't the same. You have to find your footing. She was being real with Spencer. What is going to happen in eight months? That's a lot to think about.  I'm glad their moms are always supportive of them. I love that so much!!!

I'm calling it now, after Spencer's 21st birthday, him and Jordan will possibly be on better terms. Next week, it's getting heated between Spencer and Jordan. I'm sick of it already! Like come on All American we don't need Spencer and Jordan beefing again. But of course they'll get their brotherhood back. Spencer said he's the best player!!! Okay Big Spence talk your stuff!! Just don't get too big headed boo lol. Mama Grace and Liv moment next week!! Dream come true!

Alright sound off!!!

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