Season 5 Ep. 3 Review

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Alright so I'm in the middle with this episode. It didn't all the way serve that Spelivia angst that I was personally expecting. I'm sick of hearing the words MOVING ON!!!!! Let's grieve the relationship first then try moving on. It hasn't been that long!!! I get sooner or later you have to but give it another month then try. I'm just saying because it's not like their relationship was just some casual relationship! THEY WERE AND ARE STILL IN LOVE!!! The next episode is serving some Spelivia sexual tension which I'm here for!!! Let them get all those frustrations out!! Loved Spencer helping Mama Grace. Olivia gave me the furious baddie I know she is this episode. Glad everyone is seeing that she's right about Coach Garrett. The little flirtation in the bridal shop ummmm yeah I wasn't for it. Not because I'm a Spelivia fan (that too) but because I felt like it was forced in my opinion. Spencer isn't ready yet but he think he has to move on in order to heal. Sometimes you have to refind yourself before taking a step forward in the dating game. I'm so glad Olivia was able to express how hard this break up has been for her to Spencer. She needed that. They both needed it. They served married couple at odds for me with the scene at Slauson and at the beach house. Loved It!!! I look forward to see if we're getting sexual tension Spelivia in the next episode. Will they be sneaky links??? Will they be able to get to a place where they can rebuild their friendship? Alright that's all I have for now. xoxoxo.

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