At Last

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Please ,Please ,Please, Tell Me No One Has Done This Idea Yet! If So I Credit Whoever Came Up With This Idea First. This One Shot Popped Up In My Head And I Refuse To Let It Go! Enjoy!

"Okay Ma, I think I've packed the last box." Taping the oversized cardboard box and taking hisself a squat on the couch.

"I'm glad you were able to help me. Between this wedding and making sure things were ready to be moved out, I don't know what I would have done without you."

Grace handed over a refreshing cold crisp glass of ice water to Spencer. He took a big gulp letting the liquid quince his thirst. The moment his mother called and said she needed him, he had been working nonstop.

"Dillion should've been here helping. That boy been ducking and dodging anytime you say pack."

"I'm letting him get some time in with his friends. But he did pack up his room." Taking in how empty the house was beginning to look. "Can't believe I'm actually leaving."

"Didn't think you would leave did you?"

"It was never my intentions to ever leave. This was going to be my forever home. But now that you're in college and barely need me, Dillion wanting a change, nothing is really keeping me here."

Spencer rubbed her shoulder seeing little tears trickle in her eyes. Grace James never thought she would experience the day of leaving Crenshaw. She was dead set that this place was her forever home.

Wiping away the excess tears escaping her eyelids. "Are you sure that you'll be okay living here? Cause you really don't have to baby."

"I'll be good. There's no point of selling this house that you worked hard paying off. With the NIL endorsements I've been doing, I can pay the bills that needs to be paid. I got this."

"Whatever you say. But I'm telling you right now Spencer James, don't mess up my house. Cause I will come back so fast from Oakland and "

"Kick my ass." He laughed but Grace gave him a stern look. "Sorry Ma. But I know you'll come back in a heartbeat if anything goes wrong."

The hardest part of this transition was leaving behind Spencer. Looking back, she thought letting him live in Beverly was hard, moving away from him was harder.

"Can't believe I'm leaving you behind." Slight sniffles. Remind you that she's been a mess all week. "I wish you would come with us. Never really imagined being so far away from you."

"It was bound to happen if I had went to Ohio. Or when I get drafted."

"I know just didn't think it would happen so soon."

"No matter how far apart we are, we'll always have each other. During breaks, I'll come visit in Oakland. Y'all come here every other weekend or so for my games. It's all going to work itself out.

A beaming smile spread across her face knowing she raised a humble, wise young man. No doubt in her mind that Spencer wouldn't be okay without her. He had his village of family that he built in the last two years.

"Did you get your suite? I don't need you waiting last minute."

"I got mines and Dillion's suite. You just need to worry about D'Angelo showing up."

"So you don't think he's going to show up?"

"Not how you been going bridezilla crazy this week."

"Ain't nobody been bridezilla crazy. Just needing to get everything done on my to do list before Saturday. I don't want to worry about"

He cuts her off once again. "Then don't. Everything is going to be fine Ma. You should only worry about marrying the love of your life. I'll handle everything else."

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