What Just Happened???

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Ummmmm I don't know whether to be happy or sad!!! Like I don't you guys!!! First off I definitely was here for the girls night out! Loved it!!! I can honestly say I enjoyed this episode. Nothing was really to dragged out for my liking so I actually enjoyed this episode. Now Liv with this get back at your ex dress, I definitely loved!!! It was still in her element but more her embracing her sexy! Not saying she never has but that dress definitely had Spencer drooling. I thought the secret about Jordan and Layla would be revealed at game night but I was wrong. Spelivia.......when I say they gave me all the feels......I got all the FEELS!!!! I was jealous, happy, sad, on the edge of my seat, like the Spelivia moments was EVERYTHING for me. Besides Spelivia, hands down my favorite moment was between Grace and Liv!!!! I was smiling so big watching them together. Mama Grace always coming through with the wisdom and making sure Olivia doesn't give up the thought of her and Spencer getting married one day!!! Loved how Grace stopped Liv from leaving the room so they could continue sharing their moment. I hate the sad moment at the wedding between them but honestly I understand where Liv is coming from. Spencer admitted that's he dating not serious but he's done put hisself back out there. She doesn't want to stand in his way (which I think that's what he wants). I would hope they would get more moments to actually lay it all on the table. Spencer can't move on because his Heart and Brain won't let him. Even if he does, he will string that person along because he's not going to be able to give all himself when it still belongs to someone else. Liv is guarding her heart because she's scared. Which is understandable because she wanted to stay together and he thought it was better to break up. In all truth they're both scared and are miserable without each other. Now those wedding looks.......Spelivia definitely knows how to take over a wedding with simple looks!!! Tonight felt like the old All American for me! It hit every check off box on my list! We did call at least one Spelivia hook up after the breakup so I feel like that's a victory lol! I wonder if Liv gave Alicia the look when she went to the dress shop?! We definitely needed to have a scene of that interaction!!! Now I'm debating if I want to finish writing Nervous!!! And they picked the perfect song for the wedding. It gave all the Spelivia look vibes so much deeper meaning!!! Okay that's my review!

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