Things Done Changed

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I'm giving this episode an 8.5. Are we sure NK wrote this lol. I'm actually glad this wasn't a heavy premiere episode. It scratched the surface. Which I like because I know there is a lot to unpack this season and we don't need to waste time due to only having 13 episodes. I'm so glad Spelivia is back. My hope for them is to grow more with each other and conquer things together.

I actually like seeing Asher in daddy mode. It's cute lol. Can I admit that it was sad seeing Coach Montez?! He's truly going to be missed on our screens. I think we're going to see Asher grow more this season and embrace fatherhood. That's going to be his whole storyline.

Honestly I think this new Coach is here to pit Spencer and Jordan against each other. I don't have a good feeling about him. It's like he has a motive and it's not great. But it's definitely time for a true and honest conversation between Jordan and Spencer. I feel like there is some internal  resentment Jordan holds against Spencer. So we'll see how this will play out.

I think Jordan and Layla will have some growing pains this season. We already see Layla feeling the guilt and being the reason for Patience getting stabbed. It's going to weigh heavy on her and may play apart in their relationship. Then you have this new business partner. He can also play apart in their relationship. We're already seeing it now. I think Jordan biggest challenge will be touching base with this he thought he has overcome. It's all coming to the surface. Feelings he thought went away.

It's crazy how Coop magically is able to rap again l. It's All American lol. I think Coop main concern this season will be Patience and realizing it's never a perfect moment to tell someone how you feel. Just go for it! Patience is going to struggle with the aftermath of her stabbing. That's her main storyline this season.

Spencer and Olivia!!! There is so much I can say about them. How cute was it that he went to visit her in London?! So freaking cute. They both have grown and there are new versions of themselves. I think there will be growing pains but not how they were in the second half of season 4 and season 5. I can actually see them growing and tackling this challenges together. They're worrying about how things have changed for them as a couple and individuals. Olivia has been out of her element for so long that she isn't sure home is actually home. So this season I think we'll see her rediscover home and how this new Olivia fits in at home. I'm actually excited for her storyline. Spencer hasn't been a fan of the limelight. So I know we're going to see him try to find that balance and actually put hisself first for once. He has earned the right to be selfish! So I'm excited to see him find that balance. It was so sticking cute that they reintroduced themselves. I melted!!!!

There isn't a lot to unpack right now in my opinion. We scratched the surface tonight and the real story starts Monday. I'm excited for Spelivia's storyline this season as a couple and individuals. Love you guys! Sound off!!

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