Chapter 1

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Li Li felt pain all over his body, especially a tearing pain in his head. His head was still dizzy, and he felt like vomiting when he moved.

Opening his eyes with difficulty, a white veil caught his eyes, "I am not dead, have I been saved by someone?" 'But it's impossible to think about it. At that time, he had fallen into the tide of zombies and was too late to be rescued. He clearly felt the pain of being bitten by the zombies so clearly... Mo Li turned his head to

look Looking aside, what caught my eye was a small room with a square table in the middle of the room, a teapot and several water cups on the table, and a dressing table with a mirror on the left side of the wall.

Li Li looked at the entire environment, and suddenly remembered that he had read some novels when he was free, and there were time-travel or rebirth in them, so he couldn't be time-travel, right?

Thinking of the dressing table I saw earlier, wait...he won't be transmigrating into a woman, right? It seems that only women use dressing tables!

Li Li raised his hand and wiped it off... Well, since his brother is still there, it means he is still a man.

Mo Li pursed his lips, he was very thirsty, the kettle on the table was only a few steps away from him, but it felt like a world away to him, because he couldn't move at all, his whole body hurts when he moved.

Since I survived, I don't know if the ability is still there.

Li Li closed his eyes and felt his own abilities. After a while, he felt his abilities. After the end of the world, he had spiritual abilities.

At the first level of spiritual powers, the eyes and ears are clear, the memory is enhanced, and the perception is relatively far away. There is also a spiritual space of several square meters. After the first level, animals can be controlled, and after the fifth level, it is said that it can control people and zombies.

Li Li has lived in the apocalypse for three years, and his ability has only been upgraded to level four. He can control animals and zombies at level one.

Using psychic powers to slowly relieve his own pain, he slowly regained his strength from his feet to his head. As soon as the psychic power entered his brain, a sudden wave of memory hit him, and Li Li was in agony in an instant, and passed out all at once. .

After a long time, Li Li woke up slowly. He felt as if his whole body was fished out of the water, and his whole body was soaked, but his whole body was relaxed after all. Yes, it has been fully recovered, and it seems that it has been upgraded. He excitedly opened up his mental space, and it really has been upgraded, and the space has become much larger. Before his fourth-level space was about 400 square meters, now the space is at least There are more than 600 square meters in size.

Li Li threw off the quilt and sat up, took out a bottle of water from the space and drank it. After a while, the bottle of water was finished, and he felt much more comfortable in an instant.

Mo Li sorted out the memories in his mind carefully.

As expected, he has time-traveled, and he has transmigrated into the original body with the same name and surname as him. The original body is also called Mo Li, who lives with a big monk in the temple. That's right, it's my brother. Tell me about this dynasty.

This is not any dynasty in Li Li's memory, but a dynasty that has never been heard of before. The

Dayu Dynasty

is probably not in the same time and space, because there are three kinds of people here.

Women, men and brothers.

In addition to women being able to bear children, there is another kind of people who can bear children, that is, they look like men but are women inside. This kind of people are called brothers.

Although the degree of freedom of brothers in this dynasty is still high, brothers can go out to do business. Studying for the imperial examination and becoming an official can also marry or marry a wife, and the married brother can have children.

But the brothers here are sometimes quite embarrassing, because the brothers can marry wives and people, so girls and men are a little against the brothers because of their reputation, but after getting married or marrying a wife, these problems are gone.

If you marry a wife, then you will be like a man, you can only get a woman pregnant, you can't get married and have children.

But for married brothers, the requirements are different, just like women.

The appearance of my brother is not very different from that of a man, but my body is smaller than that of a man. There is a small flower bud on my forehead. After my brother gets married, this small flower bud will bloom. The redder the flower means This guy is more fertile, if it is pink, it means that this guy is not normal, and if the flower is green, then sorry, you are completely waiting to be abandoned or become a monk, because green The flowers of the flower represent that you are completely infertile.

Moreover, a brother who is married can no longer marry a wife, because he can no longer have a woman to make a woman pregnant.

A married brother can also allow a woman to have children, but after the married brother takes his wife's bridal chamber, the flower bud on his forehead will disappear, and it will only turn into a red mole.

The original owner, Mo Li, was also a poor child. When he was seven years old, his father was forced to go up the mountain by his eccentric grandma, but he was bitten to death by a wolf in the mountain. When Grandma heard about it, she was so angry that she died within two days. As a result, the day after the funeral of Dad and Ah was completed, Grandpa and Grandma kicked him out of his home, saying that the original owner was a nemesis, who killed his dad and Ah, and it was revealed that the original owner was not Biological, the original owner's father and mother have been married for several years and have no children.

It was picked up by the original owner's father when he went hunting in the back mountain, so the original owner is not eligible to continue living in the original owner's parents' house.

Everyone in the village felt sorry for the original owner, but they were not rich, and no one was willing to adopt a brother who was not their own. Later, the great monk in the temple on the back mountain kindly adopted the original owner.

The great monk in this temple is also a mystery. No one knows who he is. Suddenly one day the great monk appeared in this temple. Originally, the temple was empty. I packed up the temple and began to practice in it. I usually exchange some food or clothes with the blind dates down the mountain. Moreover, the great monk also has some medical skills, and he usually checks some minor problems with the people down the mountain or discusses things with everyone.

For example, if someone wants to marry a daughter and marry a daughter-in-law and needs a good life, they will ask the great monk to watch them. The remuneration for seeing things and seeing a doctor will be given some money if they have money, and food or other things if they have no money. Life can go by.

In this way, the original owner lived with the great monk, and usually learned how to read and read scriptures and some fur medicine skills with the great monk.

The original owner was fifteen years old, and the great monk passed away suddenly, which shocked the original owner. He felt that he was the lone star of the gods and killed the great monk. Li Li, who came from the end of the world, has become possessed.

After absorbing the memory of the original owner, Li Li was satisfied with it after all. The village in this temple is not very far after all, but it is not close either. When the great monk was alive, he would make some traps next to the temple. Maybe the animals in the mountains were very smart. Few big animals went down the mountain, and only occasionally some pheasants and hares fell into the traps, which just satisfied the original owner.

People in the village usually don't go to the temple when hunting, they have another way to enter the mountain.

So Li Li is very satisfied with this. He lives here alone without being disturbed by anyone, and the most important thing is that he can go hunting in the mountains. Gradually, I will eat less, and it will be even more difficult to eat meat. If I want to eat meat, I have to hunt those mutant animals. To be honest, the meat of those mutant animals is really not tasty, but eating mutant meat can increase the ability Later, some researchers used mutated meat and mutated vegetables to develop a nutrient solution.

A tube of about ten milliliters of nutrient solution can meet a person's daily needs, but the taste is really bad.

And Li Li was a foodie before the end of the world, he was there wherever there was food, so in the latter part of the end of the world, it was really painful for him to live without food.

That is to say, their captain likes him. He usually goes outside to do tasks, and if he encounters something that is edible and tastes good, he will bring it back.

At first he thought it was the captain who treated him well because he was the warehouse manager of the team, but now he realized that the captain liked him.

Speaking of which, he is also related to the captain. His name is Mo Li, but their captain is called Jun Mo. When he joined the team, he also liked the name of the captain before joining.

Usually, some people in the team would make fun of him and the captain, saying that their names are so CP, so they can be together directly, but Li Li is a bastard, and he is usually not interested in anything other than food. Not to mention that there was still a doomsday where today might not be tomorrow, and he didn't think about it.

And he also admires their captain very much, because their captain, Jun Mo, is a dual-line supernatural being, and he ranks second among the top ten supernatural beings in the base. He has never dared to think about it, and the captain usually He also gives people the feeling of being cold and not talkative. He never thought that the captain would like him.

So later when the captain confessed to him, he was completely dizzy. For a long time, his mind was full of words: The captain liked him, and the captain confessed to him... At that time, the first reaction in his mind was to agree. he.

But before he said he was willing, the alarm sounded in the base, and the wave of zombies came. The captain only left a sentence and gave him the answer after the wave of zombies, and then went to lead the team to the base wall.

Originally, he planned to agree to the captain after the wave of zombies passed, but he was killed by the woman in the team and came here.

Hey... His captain, he hasn't even said he is willing!

Forget it, those who have come will be safe.

Although there is no captain here, there are delicious food. There are so many prey in the back mountain, you can go hunting to make delicious food at any time. There is no pollution here, pure natural food, you can eat whatever you want what.

And here he can also pick up the Chinese medicine he learned from his grandfather since he was a child.

In the last days, there are supernatural beings of the healing department, so when everyone is injured, they just need to find supernatural beings to heal them. Only a small number of people who are unable to find the healing department will go to a doctor, but most of them go to Western medicine, and no one is willing. Find Chinese medicine, because Chinese medicine is very slow to see a doctor, and it is not easy to go out to find medicinal materials in an apocalyptic world, so it is really useless for doctors, especially Chinese medicine.

It happened that when he was free, he would insist on reading the medical books he collected when he went out to do missions and the medical books left by his grandfather. Although there are few practical operations, the theory and the case notes of his grandfather's diagnosis and treatment are well remembered.

That's the decision, and my future career will be a doctor!

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