Chapter 14- Weak&Sad

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*Image does not belong to me nor does the character or anime (Gou- Free)*

Mae looked around both corners as she quickly stepped inside the school. No one had yet to notice her. 'For a second there I thought they would-"

"Scum." A girl muttered as she walked past her. Mae shriveled up. 'Once again too soon to say. Try to suck it up.' She repeated over and over again. She knew she was still weak and that's what made her hurt the most.

The rest of the day Mae avoided the hosts as much as possible. "Your absence has yet to be made up." Kyoya stood before her.

Mae looked around. "How did you-never mind." She quickly started walking but Kyoya stayed behind walking at her pace as if it was nothing.

"Will you do extra work to compensate?"

Mae was about to yell at him when she met the eyes of Akane and her goons. "Uh sorry Kyoya senpai...I have to go." Mae started speeding quickly down the hallway only to be tripped. 

The group huddled around her. "Sl*t!" The all yelled at her.

'How can no one hear them? Someone save me!' Mae brought her knees to her chest. 'It's just like before.' She began hearing the voices of her past.

"Chubby you listening?" Akane and the others laughed. "Today we're just going to chat with you."

"Yeah, we felt generous." Another piped in.

'Don't cry what ever you don't-' her thoughts were interrupted by the first hard slap it came from Akane. "You're so annoying a real slut." She hissed in her ear.

The next girl came up slapping the other cheek. "And Fake."

"Not to mention fat. I'm surprised the host even let you in with all that extra weight " Now, it took Mae all throughout her middle school insecurities to get over her average body weight. It also took her time to see she was hardy at the limits of be considered obese. But then it was around the third hit Mae lost all strength. Her eyes watered up but the girls only laughed and went on.

'I'm cursed.' Maes internal voice sounded broken to her. 'How many times do I need to lose faith in myself from the cause of other people?' She hung her head biting her lip as her cheeks began to go numb. 'Let's begin the games shall we?' She heard the oh so familiar past cackle in the back of her mind. Although she knew she was far away from her. The girl never left the corners of her mind. Like a ghost that thrived off her own pain.

Then all of a sudden they stopped but Mae didn't have the strength to look up. In the time she was zoned they had pulled her hair and cut off edges of her dress.

Out of the side of her eye she saw two black shoes walking over to her. "Mae." She heard the beep voice let out.

Even though she told herself not to look up she did anyway. The shock in Mori's eyes was visible, something he rarely let on. Mae turned her head in the other direction still feeling tears sting her eyes. She thought to herself that he must think she's truly pathetic to take this stuff.

Mae had expected Mori to get the message she didn't want to talk. She felt ashamed of herself. Then she felt her body picked up. He was going to take her to the host club.

"No!" Mae cried out. More tears fell. So in return Mori stopped. "Just leave me." She wept.

Mori suddenly set her down and awkwardly hugged her. While doing so he patted her back. "You okay?" He whispered.

If she was caught before everything her answer would have been. 'Yeah.' But she had no strength left to even lie. "No." It almost barely sounded on her lips but he had heard and they both knew it.

Mae knew Mori was confused on what to do with her crying. Or at least that's what she thought.

"They're just jealous." She heard him speak. 

"Why?" She sniffled. "I'm no good anyway."

"You're a  good person. They have insecurities of their own."

Mae had heard all this before. It's what her Mom, father and Haruhi would say. But for some reason coming from the man of few words she knew she had to take to heart every word he let out.

"I think I scared them off good too." He patted her head before backing up to see if she was alright.

"If it's not them there will be others. Always are." Mae rubbed her eyes and tried to hide her face from Mori.

He tilted his head to show his confusion. "This has happened before?" 

Her mind was having a small debate. 'Should she be honest? Or should she just tell him not to worry about it?' "I-I've had issues with c-classmates most of my life. They stopped once I got in middle-school but uh the fist year over seas was hard." Maes bottom lip quivered.

"What happened?"

"Not even Haru knows." Mae continued wiping tears from her eyes.

"How will you overcome worries if no one can help you." His hand rested on her spine sending goosebumps up her arms.

He had a point and she knew he was right. In a time of weakness sometimes these things slip. She concluded.

"Well-" she began as she was tired from crying. All her tears had been used up and she felt her eyes dry. But that wasn't going to stop her from telling Mori. At least it's something off her chest.

Next time will be about her first year over seas...stay tuned;) Till next time vote, comment what ever floats your boat. <~ my rhyme game I guess.

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