Chapter 99 (Kyoya)- Love Of You

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So I'm working on the Mori ending now. Which im having a little writers block on. So here's the Kyoya ending for now!

It has almost been a year since I started writing this fanfic. Like woah! I started off thinking it would just be me reading it. And I never thought people would actually read it. So I'm grateful to everyone who ever gave this book a chance, even if they hated it and got bored. So love you guys so much!

Mae felt her legs get shaky but that was nothing to her. The pounding in her heart she could feel flow to her head. She wasn't sure how long she has been running but it felt like the most she'd ever ran in her life.

She took in a big inhale as she walked up the steps. It looked like a huge museum.

She then slowly fixed herself and knocked diligently.

"Hello?" A woman answered. She had beautiful black hair and a kind face.

"Oh um," Mae brushed from hair back from her face. "Im here to see Kyoya."

"Here come in." She gestured for Mae to enter and she gladly did so. "I'll go get him for you." She smiled and walked away.

Moments passed and the shadow king trailed toward her.

"Kyoya-" She gulped but he placed his hand on her back and walked her to the back area.

He too had a small garden and Mae momentarily had no idea what to do with herself.

"So how is Mori?" He crossed his legs sitting in a chair.

"Uh I don't know." Mae stood staring at him.

"Hmm." Kyoya nodded. "So was he happy to see you?"

Mae blinked at him. "I haven't gone to see Takashi."

"Oh? I thought for sure you two would get back together tonight."

"You gave me a choice remember?"

He was shocked she would even think twice.

"Listen." Mae pushed her hair back. "All I cared about was him."

Kyoya frowned but kept listening.

"All I want is to be happy as well. I think it's normal for everyone to want to be happy. The thing is if I were with Takashi..." she looked down. "He wasn't there." She faintly smiled. "When Yuri was hurt, when I was hurt, and he wasn't the first person to come to my aid after Maise."

Kyoya couldn't believe his ears. He wasn't even thinking what was happening could be a possibility.

"Im no fool either Kyoya." Mae rubbed her neck. "I remember you in that ambulance that night."

Mae forced a smile. She felt something warm on her hand. It was his beside hers. He didn't touch her so she made the reach herself. Slowly wrapping her fingers in his. Her vision faded and his surprised face seemed like a dream yet again.

"I want you to be by my side, from now on." Mae looked up with a toothy grin. "I selfishly want you to be with me and I hope you wouldn't mind me being with you."

Kyoya stared at her in awe. He was speechless and had no idea what to say. He thought for sure she'd want to be with Mori. He smiled at her and put his hand behind his neck. "I wouldn't mind that at all."

"Then Kyoya can we really date?"

"What do you mean really?" He smirked at her.

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