Chapter 72- A Girl Can Dream

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I laid still in my bed. Images of me dancing around the beautiful room filled my mind. The amazing blue dress picked up at times fluttering around. A Cinderella story but better, they knew who I was. I was Mae Fujioka, commoner and hostess. No one else was there except...who was he. A man in a tuxedo danced with me.

As the night longed on he smiled at me and kissed my lips lovingly. Then he whispered so delicately...

"Get up Mae!" My mannish sister awoke my slumber.

I wiggled up out of the cocoon if made with my covers and glared harsh daggers in my sister. She of course didn't notice. "We're going to be late." She huffed.

"How horrible." I sarcastically  sneered.

Haruhi yanked on my ankle. "Exams are coming up Mae!"


"You'll get kicked out.." she rolled her eyes as if it was obvious.

"You might." I chuckled. "I have immunity though since I studied abroad."

Haruhi seems flimsy all of a sudden. My arrogance presumed me. "Mae...that was last year."

My eyes shot wide open. "Well shit!" the hosts would've scolded me if they heard such 'unladylike' words come from me. "Come on Haru we gotta get to school!"


"Ew." The twins walked in the class staring at me like many of the others had done.

"What happened to you?"

"Studying." I painfully wailed.

"Double ew." The twins synchronized.

"I know." I pouted.

"We were thinking." They suddenly got closer to me but kept a certain amount of distance since her hair wasn't quite perfect at the moment. "To have a little fun..."

"Yes?" I sat at the edge of her chair.

"We could get back at Kyoya for adding all those charges to your debt."

I  cringed. It was true the devil himself had added more cost. He was enslaving me and my sister for life! Oh the horror, the insanity! I could see his wines diabolical laugh already as me and my sister spent our lives trying to make up for her mistakes. And maybe a few of mine.

"I'll do it!" I stood up triumphantly. Then saw the coolest of all and also the traiter to girl code walk in...Yuri. "Hold on a minute." I shushed the twins and lurked up to Yuri.

"Uh hi Mae." Yuri rolled her eyes.

"Soooo," I awkwardly leaned on Yuri's desk. "How's the boyfriend?" I hissed at her

Yuri sighed and leaned on her own desk as well. "He's quite well. He'll be graduating soon."

"What?!" I jumped. "He's older than us?"

"Yes." Yuri sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating." I grumbled and pouted at her.

"I knew you wanted me to be with Nekozawa. I couldn't bring myself to ruin your ship."

I placed a hand over my heart. "Awww."

"Nekozawa knew as well, so I guess-"

"He knew!?" I yanked at my hair. "The ship has sunken." I frowned and lowered myself to lying on the floor

The twins shook their heads in disgust at Yuri. "What?!" She shrugged.

"You just bombed that ship." Kaoru sighed.
"You terrorized that ship and stomped on its remains. The blood of the passengers you scaled off on the wood of the ship." Hikaru morbidly sang.

Twins?!- The Hostess with The Mostest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now