Chapter 27- You

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"Mae." She heard a voice. Sitting up she saw granny standing over her with some breakfast. "It's your favorite." She smiled. Mae looked down to see waffles and wiped cream.

"Thank you!" Mae felt her stomach reaching out for the food.

"So which one of those boys down there is your boyfriend." Granny pointed to the window.

Mae felt her mouth drop as she climbed to the window to see the host club standing outside leaning against the limo. "Why are they here?"

"They told me they wanted to see you. Looks like they miss you." Granny smirked.

Mae felt a smile spread onto her own face.

"So which one do you like?" She grinned.

"Uh..." Mae thought for a second and was confused by the thought. "None" she replied quickly but her head was going crazy and a blush was beginning to form.

"Oh." Granny smiled but didn't believe her. "Well I'll leave you to your breakfast." She slowly closed the door.

Mae stood still for a second. 'No way! Is it possible-no I can't have-.' She was debating the name that came to mind. She flopped onto the bed. 'Isn't to too soon to like him?' She rolled onto her stomach then hung her head in defeat. 'Do I like-' "Takashi?" She finished her thought but couldn't fight the urge to say the name.

"Oh. No." She said while putting a pillow to her face. She was blushing badly too. She then began eating her waffles to make her forget about the sudden realization. 'Stupid granny.' She thought to herself as she began eating the food angrily.

Then she realized it was the day she had planned to see Mike and Remi. No wonder they came here.

It had just become a panic to Mae. What was she to do. Running to her suit case that had clothes pouring out of it she began searching for something decent. The best she found was her favorite black shirt. It was the one she wore the first day she went to Ouran. 'Might as well do the same jeans too.' She decided throwing them on.

As much as she knew the fact she'd be meeting those two again. The biggest thing in her mind was her thought earlier.

Sprinting down the steps with the now empty plate Mae saw Hiro and Hoshi sitting at the table looking at her.

"Are your friends leaving anytime soon?" Hiro asked with annoyance in his voice.

"I don't know have you asked them your self." Mae light heartedly said before washing her plate off and adding it to their dish washer.

Hoshi stared at her but then followed her to the entrance door. "Mae?"

"Yeah?" Mae turned to him.

"I just wanted to wish you luck today." He looked at the ground.

"Thank you." She hugged him tightly. Little did she know Hoshi had opened the door right before the hug. As she backed up and turned around she flashed a glare at him. "I know what your doing, Hoshi." She stomped out of the house while he smiled and waved.

What was he doing you may ask. Well he was making sure the hosts saw his encounter. Main reason jealousy. He was trying to get a rise out of them and at the same time show just how much Mae meant to him. It was well planned to say the least.

Twins?!- The Hostess with The Mostest (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant