Chapter 95- Kiss The Girl

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"Hikaru." Mae glared at the red head in front of her. "Yuri skipped school today."

"And?" He kept his face looking outside.

"'s your fault. If it wasn't for your jealousy and ignorance we wouldn't be in this situation."

Satoshi stared at them silently. It dawned on him as well as Haruhi, And Kasanoda that the twin had a thing for the hostess Yuri.

"I-I w-what are you talking about?" His face was bright red.

"Hikaru I told Mae." Kaoru sighed to his brother.

Hikaru whipped his head to his brother glaring at him.

"Don't be mad at Kaoru." Mae rolled her eyes. "You need to go over to her house and apologize."

"I don't-"

Mae smacked him up side the head. "Go!" She pointed to the door.

Hikaru frowned and muttered to himself as he left the room.

"Sorry all this is happening within your first times of hosting." Haruhi said to Satoshi who waved it off.


"Here to see Miss. Mura." Hikaru watched as he was led into the big house.

"Miss Mura is out in the garden." The women bowed.

"Thank you." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. The walk the outside garden was long but he eventually made it.

He saw her long black hair stand out clearly. Her figure was knelt over some flowers. "Uh." He started and got lost in what to say.

"Twin." She sighed and looked back. Her old glasses were on and she wore little to no makeup.


"Yeah im not beautiful anymore." She smiled slightly.

Hikaru ground hid teeth trying to hold back his remark but it came out anyway..."you are." That was it but he felt his cheeks heat.

"Mae yelled at you." Yuri nodded.

Hikaru looked at this girl in front of him. She had lost her gritty remarks her beautiful ego. "Y'know why your right you aren't pretty." He growled. Yuri gave a painful smile up. "You're disgusting if you can't see that you are."

Yuri knotted her eyebrows together. "What?"

Hikaru rolled his eyes and took in a mighty breath. "When You had makeup and contacts that didn't change who you were." He spat. Yuri observed it was interesting the way his words were so kind to her but his face looked annoyed. "You never let anyone get you down."

Yuri adjusted her glasses. "Hikaru I don't need this pep talk."

His ears buzzed at his name. "Really? I think you do!" He shouted. "There's no excitement in this Yuri. You'd still be the same person if you at least kept your personality."

Yuri looked around her. She couldn't believe Hikaru was saying this stuff. She stood up to face him. "But I bet with me looking like this no man would want me."

Hikaru get annoyed she would say something like that. After all he was man and he couldn't get her out of hid head. "How pathetic." He mumbled before closing the distance and placing his lips against hers. He never in his wildest dreams thought today he would kiss Yuri Mura. But somehow he was feeling slightly more daring.

Yuri felt her face light up red at the contact and even debated pushing away. It had to have been an accident. Or even a stupid ploy. But all she could think of now what the red haired angel that had saved her that day. She closed her eyes and let her resisting hands fall.

Soon the two needed breath and stepped back. Her glasses were crooked and she suddenly felt insecure. Hikaru caught his breath in his throat. "Im sorry." He scratched her head. "I Should-"

Yuri blinked as she saw him begin to turn. She wasn't going to let that happen though. She pulled him back and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She leaned her head aback so her glasses would fall off.

"Um-" Hikaru looked the other way awkwardly.

"Thank you." Yuri smiled then got on her tiptoes to reach the twin's lips.

His tasted of cookies while hers tasted of chocolate. She got lost in the kiss as he did as well. They were so lost in it they didn't even notice where they were was the same place he had found her that day.

It was strange to think if Yuri wasn't stabbed that day, would they be there right now?

They slowly separated again. "You sly twin." She whispered.

"You she devil." He whispered along.

She smirked up to him. "So it appears I captured you in my weakened state. Is it that easy to get a Hitachiin?"

He rolled his eyes. "It's not that easy."

"Oh?" She nodded up to him. Her one hand slowly ran to his face tracing her finger over. It was obvious he was embarrassed and Yuri was eating it up. "How do i get a Hitachiin then?"

Hikaru growled. "You better not be going after my Kaoru."

"Hmmm." She hummed. "I was thinking of the other one."

Hikaru looked away embarrassed but a smile slowly hinted. "You mean the dashingly handsome one?"

"Dont they look the same." Yuri joked.

"No everywhere." He winked.

"Ew!" She pushed him lightly. "Thats so gross."

"I meant our hair parts." He sighed.

"Uh huh." Yuri flipped her hair and walked toward her house. The host slumped over in defeat. "Hikaru." She whispered.

He looked over to her to see her waiting for him. He couldn't believe she was accepting him. Was it a dream? He pinched himself and winced.

Once he was by her side she slowly put a flower in his hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She quickly said.

Hikaru smiled to himself as he walked. "I really have to thank Mae when I see her again."

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