Chapter 78- Is this War?

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"Yuri!" Mae threw her arms around the girl.

"Mae." Yuri pat Maes back gently with her lack of strength.

"Oh sorry." Mae backed up. "Your still healing."

Yuri nodded then frowned. "Mae I need to tell you something. Now I know the last time no one-"

Mae slowly sat down in the chair making a squeak. "What happens?"

"I think it's Akane." Yuri frowned and clenched her fist.

Maes face went blank and pale.


"Mae.." Yuri looked over to see Mae stiffen.

"Who did this then?"

Yuri shook her head. "That doesn't matter, it matters that Akane is-"

"No." Mae stood. "It matters who did this to you."

"You don't think I did it?"

"You said you didn't. Who did it?!"

Yuri sighed. "Alexzander." She muttered. "But-"

"Im going to neuter that bastard!" Mae hissed reaching for scissors.

"W-what?!" Yuri widened her eyes. "Stop!"

Mae pouted and stood still.

"Mae we need to get proof Akanes behind this that way we can put her behind-"

Mae rolled her eyes. "Akanes just a baby. It can't be serious. Of anything it's your nasty ex."

"Mae this is serious." Yuri groaned. "Keep a close eye from now on."

Mae slowly nodded. "Fine." Mae then began tapping her foot.

"What?" Yuri Let out a breath.

Mae sat at the edge of her seat. "Iwanttobeatupthatjerkalexzander!"

Yuri blinked then let out a long sigh. "What?"

"I want to severely hurt Alex Whats his face." Mae groaned.

"In good time." Yuri smiled meekly at her. "Now, who brought be home I guess I owe them a thank you."

Mae smirked and looked at the door. "Hikaru."

"Yes, im ready for my reward." Hikaru strutted in and stood with his hands in his hips.

Yuri broke out into a twitch. "Not a twin."

"Now, now you were about to touch my face before you paced out. I guess I'm like a hero-"

"Your a menace." She hissed.

"Well bye~" Mae waved as she closed her door.


Mae leaned in the door smiling to herself then frowning. She took a breathe in and walked out to the room everyone was waiting.

She wished Takashis were here. He'd rub her head and make her feel-No! Takashis isn't coming. Mae kicked the ground as if it had a purpose.

"So Miss Mura believes Akane is behind this." A voice hit her eardrum.

Mae turned around to find the glasses. "Yeah, she thinks Akanes still after me."

"Do you?"

"I don't know anymore. But at least she told me."

"Ouch." Kaoru whispered as he over heard. Mae was never going to let Kyoya live it down.

"So it appears." Kyoya frowned and looked out a window. "I tried to call Mori senpai but-"

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