Chapter 52-Relation to Host

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Amv doesn't belong to me, so if it's yours let me know and I'll give you creds. I loved it so much so I wanted to share it with y'all. Amv's always make me happier. So happy Friday and happy Veterans Day.
Love always maybe210💋

It was just starting to feel like things were somewhat back to normal at least as normal as it gets when your apart of a host club.

"I'm back!" An elegant voice trailed through.

Mae looked up then looked back to her guest then back again. "Marie?"

"I know I know. I'm so sorry for not telling you I was leaving." She beautifully smiled and stepped up to Maes group then waved to Mori.

They had all forgotten all about Marie. Even Mae and Mori, after all they were caught up into each other to care. "Oh glad to see you back." Mae smiled quickly to hide the surprise Marie hadn't been around.

Marie looked at the boys in the one couch and they jumped up quickly allowing her to sit in front of Mae. "My engagement is moving much faster. My mother says that once I graduate this year we can be wed isn't that great!"

Mae smiled and nodded. "That's amazing."

"Darren had us fly out right after our double date. He took me all the way back home in France." She cued and her French accent dazeling Mae more.

"So did he enjoy the dinner?"

"Very much merci Mae. Oh! That's right Mori told me he had something planned. What was it?" She leaned forward.

Mae became bashful and blushed. "The roof top, he took me up. And we-"

Marie rested her hand on her chin. "My you two are dating. I feel so honored to have arranged the date."

"Thank you very much." Mae bowed then felt and hand fall to her shoulder. She knew just from the jitters in her chest. "Takashi?" She looked back.

He nodded happily. "Congratulations on your successful engagement."

Marie blushed and placed her hands on her cheeks. "Merci, my you two really make a pair. I hope I'm invited to the wedding."

"Wedding?" Both Mori and Mae questioned.

"Well Mori is graduating soon, I'm sure his family has someone else in mind so your up to the how you say plate now."

Mae paled and looked up at her boyfriend. "Do you have a marriage arrangement already?"

He smiled at her and messed her hair up. "No."

Mae let out a breathe she hadn't known was held till then. "Thank god." She smiled and placed her hand over his.

"How odd I would've thought you would." Marie sighed but then stood up and brushed her yellow dress off. "Well I'll see you two soon, au revior." She waved her hand goodbye and was out.

Mae turned around to look at her tall boyfriend who towered over her. Slowly some of her guest filled in and stared for awhile.

"You and Mori Senpai are really dating?" One spoke up as the others looked for the answer as well.

Out of the corner of her eye Mae could see Kyoya looking sat her as his glasses shine hit her eyes powerfully and painfully. She simply nodded with a small smile. "I hope you don't stop visiting me." She politely smiled charming her guest to not resist her charming gleaming smile. Of course it didn't stop their jealousy.

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