Chapter 97- Envy

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Mori sat silently looking out. His phone went off yet again.

For the past 2 months Mori had basically been harassed by Kyoya. To a point of anger. News of the two supposedly dating was a shock to every host.

His brother, Satoshi, told him Mae knew of the engagement now.

Morris heart ached for her. He felt so ashamed that he kept wanting her to find someone else but that she did he despised the fact any man got to look at her when he was stuck where he was.

"Takashi." The dull voice of his fiancée came.

"Hello." He stood and bowed.

"Hey I heard you went to Ouran Highschool." She winked at him. "Today they're having some event. I thought we could-"

"No thank you." He sighed.

"Oh, okay. I was just-"

He zoned out. Her words ran together as he pictured her, Mae.

Was she happy with Kyoya? Did her heart not hurt as his did at the thought of his marriage?

"So I got an invite from a Yuri Mura."

"Yuri?" He looked at her strangely. "She invited you?"

"Yes." She smiled. "I thought it was sweet your old club wants to meet me."

"Mm." He grunted.

"Should we go?" She gleamed.

Mori slowly nodded. He was slightly intrigued as to an invite from Yuri.


"Wow, so where is your old club?"

Mori could see the abandoned music room from where he was. "There." He showed her to the door. "Excuse me." He quickly left her. He knew she'd suspect he had to use the restroom.

Truth was, his heart was clenched thinking of seeing Mae. Or worse, seeing Kyoya there.

"Mori?" Kaoru intersected him. "Why're you here?"

"Yuri invited us."

"You came here with her." He was obviously referring to his financée.

He nodded in response.

"Good thing Mae isn't here today then."

"She's not?"


"Oh." Mori sighed slightly.

"You realize this would hurt her seeing you with her."

"She has Kyoya."

"Yeah But it's so obvious she's only doing it because she's sad about your marriage." Mori looked surprised. "Boy you are dense."

"Haha Mori." Yuri's sneaky voice etched closer. "Your lovely fiancée has been talking none-stop about you." Of course the girl couldn't tell Yuri was low key insulting her. "Hmm" Yuri looked at the girl. "I guess your taste has truly changed."

"What?" The girl looked at Mori confused.

"Lets go." Mori mumbled.

"Oh dear it's a shame you can't see Mae. She's just been so caught up in her new relationship."

"Takashi?" The girl squeaked as Mori pulled her away.

"Nice meeting you lady!" Yuri called down the hall.

The girl stared at Mori in concern as he stormed down the stairs then it came up. It was the room he had found Mae broken in that day. His heart clenched again. He kept walking, then the hallway came where she told him everything. The school was haunted of memories of her.


Mae sighed to herself as she was out at lunch with Kyoya.

He frowned at her. "If you keep sighing the food will run off."

Mae lowered her head. "Sorry."

"Are you really letting that talk oaf get to you."

She glared at him. "No."

He himself sighed and leaned forward slightly. "One more month before hes married."

"Are you trying to make me cry?" She hissed.

"Your out with me. Stop thinking of him."

"Easier said then done." She growled.

"What is so great about him anyway?"

"He's a kind person. He puts others before himself. Every word he speaks is like a diamond to me that I want to cherish forever. He makes me feel like a better person."

"Is that it?"

"No, there's so much more." Mae gave a sad smile. "Whoever she is. She might be the luckiest girl alive."

"Hmm." Kyoya nodded with a small smile.


Mori looked down at his phone to see picture Kyoya sent.


His fiancée came running in. "Takashi what's wrong with you?!" She yelled looking at the boy with his fist through the wall.

He doesn't answer all he can do is envy Kyoya and wish he had gotten back with Mae the second she came back from America.

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