Chapter 31- Yuri?

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^Paradise kiss Yukari example of Yuri now^

"Let me see!" Yuri demanded as she saw all the hosts smile in their success. Tamaki proudly pulled out a full sized mirror.

"Where did he get that?" Mae whispered to Haruhi who just shrugged.

Yuri was in the school uniform but her hair was trimmed no longer displaying her split ends. Her glasses were replaced with contacts. Then they put mascara and a bit of eyeliner making her...stunning.

Mae smiled as she saw Yuri touch her face. Yuri was amazed to see the reflection. "I-I."

"Are beautiful? Yes indeed." Tamaki grinned to her.

"Except..." Kyoya came in. "For full on lessons on how to repay what we did here and the price for said make over we no need a fee."

"What?" Yuri glared at him. "How much then." She rolled her eyes taking out her wallet. "For just this time."

"Kyoya!" Mae jumped in front of Yuri. "How bout she joins the host club."

"What?!" Yuri screamed behind her. "No way!"

"Yes way." Mae turned toward her. "I think this could help you put yourself out there."

"I don't-"

" do. I'm sure you want to date someone before you end up being forced into an unhappy marriage."Mae huffed out a breath. They all stared at her silently.

"It is odd having only one hostess." Kyoya pondered.

"She's in!" Tamaki jumped up and began shaking Yuri's hand. She on the other hand was still in shock to process anything.

"What if I don't want to!" Yuri slapped Tamaki's hand away and crossing her arms.

Mae stood in front of her. "Yuri trust me you'll have more fun here then just reading your book and ignoring everyone."

Yuri twitched. "Tch...fine." She sighed and uncrossed her arms.

"Yay!" Mae and Tamaki explained as well as Honey.

"I'm going to regret this aren't I." Yuri sighed but let Mae hug her.

"There are some thing we need to let her in on first." Kyoya coughed getting their attention.

"Like what?" Mae and Tamaki said.

Kyoya moved his eyes to Haruhi. That's when it clicked on all their minds.


"Your a girl?!" Yuri jumped out of her seat it was pushed back down by Mae. "If you want I could just pay-" all the hosts glared at Yuri. "Never mind then." She mumbled.

"Mae where did you find this-" Mae began squirting Hikaru with the play bottle again. "Would you stop that!"

Mae put her finger to her chin. ""

"You-" she squirted him again. He was about to get up when Kaoru tugged on his sleeve.

"So what do I have to do?" Yuri crossed her arms.

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