Chapter 19- I think I See a Light

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"Mae you can sit next to Takashi and me!" Honey explained as he showed Mae to the long table that sat in the beautiful dining hall.

Mori walked over and pulled the chair out for her to sit in. "Thank you." She smiled to them both. They made her feel so welcome but then it dawned on her. She was about to be meeting both their families.

"Okay." Mori patted her shoulder.

"Uh yeah." She gulped. She always hated her nerves.

"Don't worry Mae chan I already told everyone all about you!"

Mae began to pale." Thanks?"

"You're welcome." Honey gleamed before sitting down and playing with his bunny.

Mae saw Satoshi walk it dragging a boy with brown hair and glasses. Mae met eyes with him and he blushed a bit.

"Mae this is Chika." Satoshi smiled as he gestured to the boy.

"Don't call me Chika!" He yelled.

"Awe Chika." Honey went to hug him but got thrown away.

"Stay away from me." He growled but sat down across from Mae and Satoshi across from Mori. "Who's this?" He glared at her.

"I'm Mae Fujioka. You can call me Mae though." She quickly flashed a smile.

"Is she the one you guys talk about."

Mae's eyes widen. She was debating if it was a good or bad thing they talked about her. Either way she felt it was embarrassing. Which is why her face began to heat up.

"Sorry Mae chan. No need to get embarrassed." Honey giggled a bit as he looked at her.

"Uh, no it's fine." She forced a laugh.

"So which of one you are dating."

"D-dating?! I'm not dating anyone." Mae became flustered more so. Satoshi kept smiling which Mae thought was much different from his brother.

"Oh." Was all Chika said.

Servants came in all placing food in front of each of them. "Are your parents not coming?"

"no." They all seemed to say.

"They're usually busy." Honey said digging into his food.

"They just don't care." Chika muttered.

"Yeah they do." Satoshi elbowed him.

Mae heard them get quiet. I guess this is awkward. "Any parent has a love for their child, whether they show it or not." Mae quietly said to settle things down. She saw Mori nod his head next to her.

It must have made the atmosphere a bit more clear since they all began talking.

"So Mae, you're in that stupid club. Do you cross dress like your twin." Chika pompously asked.

"I'm a hostess, so I have male guests. There's no need to cross dress."

"Yeah, Mae chan is really popular!" Honey explained.

"Not that popular." She sunk into her seat.

"Is that why you don't have a boyfriend." Piped Chika.

"Um, I'm not sure I'm dating material."

"Why not?" Chika asked again. He was beginning to get under Mae's skin.

"Well that really is a personal thing." She smiled but was slowly building up rage.

"why?" Chika glared at her.

'What's this kids problem.' She felt steam coming off her. "Yasuchika." Mori sternly said. That was all that was needed to send the kid sinking into his seat pouting as he ate his food.

Mae gave Mori a thankful gaze as she felt relief. She wasn't sure how to answer the question. It wasn't that was scared to date. It's just she was nervous history would somehow repeat itself again. I guess it's not that different. 'Yes it is.' Mae retorted. Oh well no winning.

The dinner was nicer once Chika had closed his mouth. They all sat down talked about what Mae was taught earlier.

"Takashi is a really great teacher!" She explained nodding her head frantically.

"Didn't he forget to feed you guys lunch." Chika scoffed but went silent as Mori looked down at his lap.

"If we did it would have ruined the adrenaline that we had going." Mae furrowed her eyebrows at Chika. She didn't get what his deal was. She took a piece of the dinner in front of her and munched down on it. While doing so she looked over to see a small smile on Takashi's face. She quickly saw that he was looking and returned to eating. After all she really was hungry and couldn't wait for desert.

But...seeing his smile made her feel successful. Like she made someone feel better. It was so rare to see Mori show emotions, she clung to each one so carefully.

Desert came around and Chika left making Mae praise the lord. She quickly dove into the sweet chocolate cake before her. Each bite sent her into sweet relief. It was like falling in love. It was feeling she wished lasted longer. Most of all sweet icing that filled the center. It was a tasty treat that made her feel delighted. Holding her stomach Mae looked at all them. "That was really good." She sighed thinking back to it.

Mori patted her head with a smile. It looked like he was going to laugh but never made a sound. Her phone began buzzing her pocket. "Uh excuse me." She bowed and took a step outside the dining room. "Hello?"

"Mae! Are you coming home soon?" She could hear her father huff.

"Yeah we just finished desert. It was so~ good." She wasn't going to get over the cake for some time.

"Awe!" She heard him squeal. "Do you need me to come get you." He sound excited.

"I think I'll manage." She said hastily.

"Okay." She could almost hear his frown. "You got a few letters from your friends in America so you have that to look forward to."

"Really?" Excitement began to build up in her stomach. Every time she got a letter from her it made her feel like she was still apart of their lives. "I guess I'll head out now." That wasn't because of the letters. After all she saved them for when she was at the host club that way she had something to look forward to if she had a weird group of guests.

"Great! Love you!"

"Love you too." She smiled as she ended the call.

"Mae-chan you're leaving?" Honey and the other two came out.

"Yeah. It's not like I was staying the night." She chuckled at his pouting face.

"Okay." He sighed.

"Taka kun you should stay with her on the drive there." Satoshi seemed to be planning something in his mind.

"Drive?" Mae scratched her head.

"You didn't think we'd let you walk home this late, did you?" Satoshi laughed.

"" She lied.

"So Takashi will make sure you get home safely." Honey placed his hands behind his back.

"Okay." Mae smiled then looked at a confused Takashi. "Is that okay with you?"

"Uhm." He grunted and nodded.

The limo ride was silent. Mae took out her phone and began planning with Mori days for training. And once she was at home she waved him good bye and thanked him for having her over and to tell the others thank you as well, even Chika.

While walking toward the familiar apartment door Mae couldn't help the smile that came upon her face. 'Things are going to be alright after all.' She happily sighed before being hugged to death my her father and laughing Haruhi in the back.

'Yeah I'm going to be okay.' But was she really past all her demons or were there more to be faced?

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