Chapter 49- Honestly...

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Alright! I'd like to thank all of you readers your what helped this story get so far. I amazingly have up to 10k reads now! I am just so lucky to have all of you. Like, vote, or comment it's all up to you; )
Love Maybe210💋

"What's Mar chan doing here?" Honey chipperly said as Morivlosed the front door behind him.

Mori looked at Honey with all seriousness. "Your dating Miss Mura."

Honey flashed a sad glance then looked at the floor. Mae had never seen him this sad since the one time Tamaki insulted cake and the twins bunnies. It was a very scary day.

"Honey Senpai, Takashi told me you like-"

He growled and looked up with a hit of anger. "That doesn't matter."

"But Honey-"

Honey glared at them then turned on his heels. "I've got cake to eat." Mae stiffened-she tried her best to not cue or better yet-laugh."

Mori looked at her with an eyebrow raised as she silently laughed. As Honey was out of sight she looked up at him. "Sorry I just-couldn't help it." She chuckled again.

He began to crack a smile as well but his hand landed on her head to return her to the issue at hand.

"Hey Mae chan!" Satoshi popped out from the hallway.

Chika lazily strolled behind him with his arms crossed. "What's she doing here?" Satoshi nudge him.

"Well-" Mae was about to say 'well my best friend likes Honey but he likes someone else from the black magic club,' then'it's supper duper important since her family wants her to get mar-' I think that's enough right there.

What happened was she was tugged to Moris side. "We're dating." He simply stated before dragging her off.

Satoshi began skipping around in circles and blowing a kazoo while Chika stood stif with his jaw hanging open.

"How did that big monkey get a girlfriend." Chika muttered and began pacing.

As for the two love birds Mae kept her eyes on his face as he lead her through the halls. She knew she should be worrying about Honey and Yuri but right now-she was breathing in the heartbeat that was pouring so hard on her chest.she really did fall for Mori, and she felt guilty that she got to have the person she was falling in love with.   

"Mae." Mori lowly spoke as he looked down at her with a small smile.

"Uh, s-sorry." She stuttered and diverted her eyes to the door they stood in front of. "So honey went in here?"

Mori nodded his head and opened the door. Honey was furiously downing cakes and little treats set on a table.

"Honey Senpai." Mae gasped as he looked up with his eyebrows furrowed together. "Why are you so upset?" Honey looked up at them again and started tearing up. "U-uh I-I'm s-"

Honey continued to cry and even walked over hugged Mae.she looked over at Mori for help in which she was granted.

"Mitskuni." Mori sternly said making Honey back up and look at him sniffling. "What's wrong." Mori gently bent over and placed a hand on his head.

Mae felt an urge to gush and fangirl over how cute Mori looked right then but concealed it by bitting her lip.

"Kanazuki hasn't talked to me in a longgg time."

Mae raised an eyebrow. Was this the black magic girl? They've been talking? What the-Mori pat his head again. "Then you should talk to her. But first do you think it's okay to date Miss. Mura when you don't feel the same."

Honey looked to the ground. "She looked so nervous." He mumbled.

Mae sighed. "Still, no one wants a fake relationship."

Honey pouted. "What do I do?"

Mae lightly smiled. "You'll explain it to her when we get back to school."

"But it's the weekend." Honey whimpered.

Mae nodded sadly. "We'll at least let her enjoy the weekend."

"What about her family."

Mae cringed a bit. She'd forgotten all about that, but still was it really okay to let her friend have a loveless relationship? "We'll have to figure something else out for her family."

Honey gave a small smile. "I'm sorry Mae chan." He quickly hugged her and walked away.

She began to zone out when all of a sudden the familiar hand landed on her head. When she looked up a small smile was on Mori's mouth.

"What?" She squeaked out.

"Your a good person Mae." He softly cue.

"Am I?" She whispered.

He nodded and kissed her forehead making a small smile spread to her own mouth.

"Hey Takashi have you told your parents about us?"

Mori paled a bit. "No I haven't."

Mae grinned at him. "Don't sorry I haven't told my Dad yet either." Relief seemed to cascade off of him as he smiled back down at her.

"We'll take care of it after Miss. Mura is in better condition."

Mae nodded then realized something. "Why do you call her Miss?"

Mori seemed to blush and looked off in another direction. "I don't want to speak any other girls name."

Mae curled her lips up even further than she thought she could. She jumped up to reach his height in which he quickly caught her. She returned it in a small giggle and pressed her lips delicately on his own. She didn't worry if it was selfish of her to be enjoying her time with her boyfriend, honestly why should she. She believed she was the luckiest person in the world.

Once they separated both were red in the checks and smiling at each other.  "Want to do some kendo?" She happily suggested. After all she loved watching Mori teach her everything. He loved doing kendo so much it amazed her to see the happy look in his eyes.

"Sure." He nodded and set her to the ground. Their hands connected like magnets drawn to each other and headed to the kendo room.

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