Chapter 25- Sorry...I Guess

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"I'm not sure how Nekozawa is." Mae turned to face Hikaru. "It was silent after I told him I couldn't." She slowly pulled out the envelopes from her bag.

"More letters?" Tamaki appeared looking over her shoulder.

"Yup!" She gleamed. "I think it's more then usual. Maybe granny wrote, or maybe Emma's family." Mae pondered aloud.

"Read and find out." Haruhi brought a serving tray over.

Mae looked at the group crowding her. "Could I maybe have some space?"

"Sure." They all reluctantly said and backed away.

Opening the pink envelope that usually held Emma and Hoshi's.

Dear Mae,
Recently in school people found out we were still contacting you. Forgive me! They insisted. I think I might do some good but if they say anything horrible do tell me.
Love your sorry friend,

Emma's an idiot. Don't open the other envelope attached I hate the jerks. I might've punched them both square in the face if it wasn't for my grandmother standing in the background. I might have even thrown their letters apart but women these days. I hope we see you soon and the idiots words don't ever effect you.

Mae felt her hand shake as she looked at the return address on the letters. She'd never seen it before. She didn't know if she should open it or listen to Hoshi and tear it apart. Unfortunately curiosity got to her.

Dear Mae Fujioka,

I know I ruined everything. I'm no longer friends with Maise. I recently got an apartment of my own. I guess you don't care though. Listen I'm a rotten person. I lost myself. Nothing I say could ever make up for what I did. They said your hair got a darker red after the incident. I'm not sure how though. I'll always regret what I did. So if you ever come to America again let me make up for it somehow.

From, Remi Takata

Tears were beginning to form in her eyes but she threw her hand over her mouth as she saw the next paper, Michael.

Mae Fujioka,

At school I never got a chance to apologized. After the incident I began feeing guilty. I never even got to know you but I still ruined your life. I slowly separated myself from Maise but just recently met up with Remi again. We've both felt bad all theses years. Things got out of hand. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry I guess. Forgiveness from you is not what I'm expecting especially toward me. If we ever cross paths again me and Remj want to apologize formally and I'd like to even help out if any scars have become because of said incident.
From Mike Miles

She was sobbing. She wasn't sure why. She felt like she should be outraged that those two would dare even send her letters. The only feeling she felt was regret. She wished she could go back in time and stay close with Remj keep her from Maise. She even wished she'd gone out of her way to impress Mike and properly date him and have a true first kiss. If none of this had happened she'd probably still have her wavy light brown hair. It's possible it got darker because of genes but she believed it was from depression. Doctors formally diagnosed it a cause of shock to the brain.

"Mae?" Haruhi ran over to her. All the host had been talking while she read none had seen her cry.

"H-Haru." She stuttered shaking.

"What happened?" Haruhi looked down at her.

"T-they sent m-me l-"

"Let's get home." Haruhi grabbed her arm lightly escorting her out of the host club. They both ignored the hosts that were calling after them.

Back at home Mae clung onto Haruhi. "I shouldn't feel like forgiving them, right?" Mae looked up with red eyes.

"Depends, do you?"

She looked at the ground. "I think I do." She sniffled and rested her head on Haruhi's shoulder. "I hate them both but...I want to see them. Why?"

"Perhaps something has changed in you." Haruhi rubbed her back.

"What though?" Mae stared down.

"I think you're stronger."

"I don't feel it."

"I'm sure you will."

"What do I do?"

"You can send back a letter to them."

"But I don't want to do that." Mae muttered.

Haruhi thought for a moment before groaning. "How about asking the hosts to go with you."

"I'd have to tell them about what happened."

"Yeah, Tamaki and the twins might not do good if your bring them."

"I'll do it!"


"They can help me out if I feel a path of revenge come across me."

"Oh no." Haruhi sighed.

"Wait but that means you won't be able to come."

"Yeah so make sure to get a lot out of it. "


"Guys?" Mae walked up in front of all the hosts. "I was wondering if we could go to America for a weekend or so." She looked at her feet feeling rude for asking. "You see it all started when I bumped into Mike..." She left out a few details like being out for so long as well as all the blood that was said to be around her. She even left out her first kiss with Mike.

"We'll take you!" The twins hugged her side.

Mae gleamed. "Really?! Thank you!"

"It'd be best for Tamaki to stay back so the host clubs not completely gone."

"Just him?" Mae looked at the others.

"We want to go Mae chan!" Honey pointed to Mori and himself.

She turned to Kyoya who pushed his glasses up. "I'll be taking this out of your debt. I need to go to supervise."

"Thank you!" She went over and hugged Kyoya, then Honey and Mori. "So would next month work-"

"We can go tomorrow." Kyoya said dully.

"Really?! Oh gosh I have a lot to do!" Mae explained. Meanwhile as she talked about all her stuff Tamaki walked over to Haruhi.

"Why are you letting her go?"he looked at her sadly.

"I want her to overcome her past. She deserves a happy life. I think you guys have helped her. If she'd gotten those letters a while ago she would have ripped them in half and become depressed." Haruhi stared at Mae as she said so.

"You really love Mae huh?" Tamaki smiled sat her.

"She is my twin."


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