Chapter 58- One Last Week

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This is a long chapter! Nearly 3200 words. So I hope you enjoy this special chapter. 7 votes for new chapter, sorry for bumping it up, forgive me?

"Maise?" The twins tilted their heads. "Who's that?" Hikaru asked.

"The girl in charge of the Mae beating back in America."

Both twins scrunched their faces up in disgust. "Why does she still want Mae to suffer?!" Kaoru angrily yelled.

"Apparently Mae disgust her highly. From the sound of it this girl is highly unstable."


Kyoya flipped open his book painfully. "After Mae left Japan she began picking on another girl. Two years of harassment and the girl was found dead in an alleyway. Everyone knew it was her but proof was found to charge her. From what Akane had informed me another girl committed suicide just recently. Then when Akane let her in in Maes affairs here the girl immediately respond that she was coming for blood."


"Takashi!" Mae ran up happily to a Mori with his head hung low. "Takashi?"

"Guests are about to come." He muttered not even looking up to her eyes.

Mae stood like a statue. What had just happened? Was he unhappy about something? Was it her fault?

"Mae!" Yuri ran in with a smile unusual for her. Yuri dragged Mae away from the silent Mori and turned her to look at her.

"Yuri what happened?" Mae lightly smiled at her friends smile.

"The plan-its-its happening!" Yuri grinned. "So be there tomorrow after school." Yuri spun around and ran to her seat with a smile awaiting her guest.

Mae looked back at Mori once more before sitting down. At the end of the week the school was having club day. Well I guess more so festival. They'd wait on everyone then they would be doing a old time dress up. Then at the end of the night was the dance. Mae couldn't wait to dance with Mori. But little did she know she never would.

The plan was set to action. Just like Yuri said as soon as club activities were done they were all heading to Yuri's house.

Mae and the twins hid behind the cobblestone wall that surrounded the Mura household. They were never given much info except. Mae and the twins were in charge of stopping any suitors that were scheduled for the day. Then Haruhi, Honey, and Mori were to stand watch. As for Tamaki he was to place a letter under the door and leave fastly.

That was all. No one knew how it would work but they decided Kyoya knew best.

"Look." Hikaru whispered to he two. Mae and Kaoru followed his finger to see a figure dressed in a suit approaching them.

"What now?" Mae could barely hold in her excitement.

"We'll lure him now to not go." Kaoru nodded with a smile.

"How?" Mae tilted her head.

"Your femine charm." They both smirked before pushing her out from their hiding place before she could get out of it.

Mae stood frozen as the average sized boy came up. His hair was spiked but and it was light black. There was no doubt by his fancy attire he was coming for a marriage arrangement. Mae gulped a bit then got to action. She began walking toward him and just as she would walk past her she tripped herself into his chest. "Oh my, I'm so-" he attempt at distracting had worked. The boy nervously grabbed her shoulders.

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