Chapter 42- Why?

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The ominous air about made Mae tense. The black cloths and the crying faces. Clinging to her sister who gave her a frown.

No girl deserves the fate handed to her. The words of prayer being muttered seemed to go together as her tears began to form once more. 'Why?' She thought.

The pity look that seemed to fall onto her, made her pain worsen inside. "Mae, Haruhi." A women stepped up to them kneeling on her one leg.

Haruhi was the only one to looked somewhat descent and still responded with the nod of her head. Mae burrowed her head into Haruhi black dress.

"I know your fathers been drinking a lot more then usual, you two have to take care of each other from now on, okay?"

Maes bottom lip quivered as she nodded a small but along with Haruhi. "Such...good girls." She whimpered seeing the tears form on her own face.

"Thank you ma'am." Haruhi muttered as the women wept her way outside.

They were too young to go through such an event. About 7or 8. They waited for their father to come outside. So alone.

"Haru?" Young Mae whispered.

"Yes Mae."

"Why did momma have to die?"

Haruhi took Maes shoulders with both hands and made her face her. "Mae, mamma was more needed up in heaven."

Mae looked up as Haruhi pointed up to the sky. It was somewhat cloudy but the small section had a bit of light peaking out. "Haru, can't we share momma?"

"No Mae, momma has to help out others now. We'll see her again some day though, but that's a long time from now."

Mae sniffled and looked up once more. "Does momma love us?"

"Yes Mae, very much. She's at peace watching over us from up their."

Mae smiled at her sister. "Thank you Haru." She sniffled then clung onto her even more then before.

"Girl." Their father came down the hill. He carried a picture of their mother. His eyes were tear stained but he tried to put up a good front for them. Haruhi gave him one of her small smiles as she grabbed his hand and began leading him the way home.

Once they were back at home their father set the picture on a table. He lowered his head as he plumped down on the ground. He glanced at her photo then stood up quickly. "I'm going to the bar." He was gone.

Mae stared at the door with remorse. They were alone, without their caring mother.

"Haru?" Mae began to tear up again.

"Mae." Haruhi slowly wiped her tears away. "Mom taught us to be independent which we will. I'll be momma from now on."

Mae frowned at her sister. "But Haru-"

"Come on Mae won't you cook with me?"

Mae fiddled with her fingers. "I-I don't think so Haru." She sniffled out.


Mae looked over at the picture. She scratched her face up as she tried to hold back tears. "I'm'a big girl."

Haruhi's face softened. "Mae I'll make something you can pick up the beer bottles dad left."

Mae saluted her and gave an awkward smile. "Yes."

When the house was somewhat clean and they was some rice balls and noddles on the table they were ready to eat. Till their father came clambering in. At the sight of the house he looked at the two girls.

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