Chapter 41- Crushed

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He eyes felt like watering and her heart was in her throat. Mori was just asked out to the hallway by none other than Marie.

"Mae your okay?" Yuri slightly nudged her.

Looking up with a gulp. "N-no."

"Mae, he obviously like you."

She looked toward the ground. "I don't know about that."

"Look at you!" Yuri said loudly with a scowl. "Your Mae freaking Fujioka. Your have beautiful hair and always try to make people happy." Yuri face softened into a small smile. "Who wouldn't like you."

"Y-Yuri." Mae jumped up and hugged her.

"Girls are weird." Kaoru looked to his brother.

"They just turned this into a soap opera." Hikaru scoffed.


Mae didn't see Mori after that. But to her luck it was a practice night. Everything about the night brought nerves to her.

Knocking on the door a maid appeared. "Yes?"

"I'm here for Takashi."

She looked worried a bit. "Mr. Mori is out right now."

Mae felt her eyes water a bit and her hand clench her shirt. " I-i have plans that's all."

Her mind became full of painful images of Marie. Were they in a date? Was Mori in love with her? "He, forgot about me." She whispered to herself. Although most people would say it was a lovely day with the sun out Mae only saw a ball of hit gas that day. 'How could I have been so stupid?! He never liked me. I was just some kid needing his attention.'

"Mae?!" Haruhi gasped and ran to her sisters side.

"I'm back already?" Mae whispered with a fake smile.

"Mae, what happened?"

"He forgot-he doesn't care about me anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Takashi, he's out with Marie. I'm sure of it."

Haruhi frowned at her sister. "Why can't you ever see things right? He probably forgot. So what? You forget things all the time."

"Haru, I hate having a crush." Mae began sobbing. "Why does this always happen?"

"Mae." Haruhi whispered and began stoking her sisters back as she cried into her lap.


Mae fell into her host seat. Her eyes were red from the tears she had shed. She didn't bother sneaking a peak at Mori's table. She was now in a rage mode of her developing heart break.

"Mori!" Marie skipped in and sat next to him. He nodded to her but saw the stif figure of the girl he liked. What had gotten into her? Why does she looked so sad? "So have you decided if you can go out with me this Saturday?"

Mae cringed. That was suppose to be their next practice. Then again it doesn't seem like he cares anymore.

"I-" Mori stopped as Mae stood up and stayed still for a moment before running off. "I got to go." He deeply said and rushed after her.

She got al the way to the school sidewalk before she lost all energy and Mori caught up to her. "Leave me alone." She whispered. The rain falling in didn't even affect her.

"Mae, it's raining." He started taking his jacket off to give to her but she glared at him with her fisted fists.

"You don't have to concern yourself with me anymore."


"It's fine, Marie is probably better suited for you anyway."

"M-what do you mean?"

Mae paused. "Don't change the subject!"

Mori watched over her. Even though she was angry at him for a reason he wasn't sure about he still liked her. "What about Marie?"

"Oh right, sorry your girlfriend won't appreciate me-"


"Yes! Stop questioning everything I say!"



"I'm not dating Marie."

She blinked and felt her shoulders relax a bit. "Y-your not?"

He shook his head.

But none of this made up yet. "Then why didn't we have practice last night?"

Mori furrowed his eyebrows. "We didn't have practice planned last night. It's this night, see." Sure enough he pulled out a planner with the date marked down.

Mae paused then gave an awkward smile. "I guess I mixed the dates up."

Mori smiled at her. "That's okay. But Mar-" it was a flash for Mori. The smiling girl before him was in the path of a swerving car heading their way. Without thinking twice he pushed her to the side to the gate leaving himself to take it head on.

"Bam!" Mae looked up from over her leafs to see the car behind the figure of the tall Mori. He laid there blood beginning to flow.

"Takashi?" She whispered tears forming. She rushed to his side. "Takashi?" She pushed him over. His eyes fluttered closed as his hand reached up to her face. "Takashi?" She whispered once more her sons getting rougher. "Takashi!" She yelled out and kept tugging in him.

There was no answer.



"Mae!" He father yelped and began hugging her.

Mae clenched the sheets. It was hospital. She could tell. "Takashi-"

"Honey, he-"

"It's my fault!" She placed her face in her hands. "I-I killed him."

"Mae! You did nothing if the sorts." He father steely said.

"Dad, I-i never told him how I felt."

Her father felt a twitch in his eyebrow. But decided with pat on the back. "Then maybe you should."

Mae gasped. "But-"

Being lead to his made her feel joy, and nervousness. What would he say?

All joy washed from her face. The body that lied before her wasn't Takashi, it was someone she'd never seen before. "Where Takashi?"

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