Chapter 23- Neko&Mae's First Date

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Mae was wearing her usual jeans. To be quite frank she didn't dress up much at all. She began walking to the train.

It was almost like all evenings except for the fact she was going to meet Nekozawa. She didn't really feel any fluttering or nervousness of meeting him. She felt like it wasn't as exciting as it should be.

"Mae." He stood in a cloak right in front of the movie theatre. All the people going in just awkwardly kept a great distance from him as they tried to get inside.

"Hi Neko kun." She plastered a smile and headed in. He didn't notice but Mae kept looking around wondering if there were hosts near by. "What movie did you pick?"

"Obsidian." The low whisper have Mae goosebumps out of fear.

"Really?" She tried to smile but was sort of scared. She never did good with seeing scary movies in a movie theatre for the first time.

"Would you like something else?" He seemed to have worry etched into his voice but after clearing his throat it went right back to normal.

"N-no it's fine." She chuckled. She wanted Nekozawa to have a good time. He seemed to smile before he dragged her off to the movie.

As soon as the movie started Mae got chills. She stated panicking in her head. She knew it was childish and she was ashamed of that.

Luckily for her Nekozawa just so happened to notice her shaking. With one gulp he lightly nudged her head closer to his chest. The cloak he was wearing showered over her. She couldn't see anymore. A smile spread over her face. She felt relaxed and extremely thankful.

"Mae." She awoke to silky blonde hair hovering over her and piercing blue eyes.

"Who are you?!" She leapt up. It was still dark and the credits were rolling.

"Nekozawa." He looked at her as if it was obvious.

"What?!" She got closer and stared at his face. "My god." She gasped and poked his cheek. "You could be a model."

He seemed to twitch his eye at that. "Sorry." She quickly apologized.

"Okay." He sighed then looked at her seriously. "I should be apologizing for the film."

"O-oh it's fine. Besides I got a good nap in. Where to next?"

"There's a curse shop near here-"

"Okay let's go!" She explained grabbing his arm and pulling him out. He had to quickly cloak himself as they exited the theater.


"Come on guys!" Hikaru looked at all the hosts. They were currently at the twins house due to all three calling for an emergency meeting.

"This ain't about Mae is it?" Haruhi crossed her arms.

The trio of crazy simply looked at each other from the corner of their eyes. "Maybe." Kaoru muttered.

"I'm out." Haruhi started walking away before Tamaki stood in front of her with sad eyes.

"Please, that evil guy is on a date right now with her. What if her curses her." Tamaki fell to the ground.

"Senpai that's not going to happen." She rolled her eyes.

"What about you two." He crawled over to Honey and Mori. The twins soon appeared behind them as well.

"Is Mae chan in danger." Honey cried.

"No." Mori stated.

"What about you Mori senpai?" Hikaru slithered to his side. "Aren't you interested?" An evil grin came to Hikaru's face.

"No. We shouldn't bother her about her own decisions." Everyone was baffled to hear him.

"Yeah!" Honey quickly chimed in.

"Let's go Mitskuni." Mori said as he began walking to the exit. "Leave Mae alone today." Mori said right before he walked out.

"I wonder if Mori senpai's tired." Haruhi pondered.

"Why?" The twins raised their eyebrows.

"Why else would he speak so much."

"You idiot." Hikaru lamely looked at her. "He obviously has a thing for Mae."

"Really? What makes you think that?"

"Dense." They all thought.

"Tamaki are you going to get out from that box?" Haruhi watched as he peeked his head out.

"Do you think Mori senpai's mad at us?" His voice shook. The twins quickly sat on the box making him disappear.

"You guys aren't still going to spy are you?"

"Well-" Hikaru was about to speak before Kaoru shook his head.

"No we aren't." Kaoru whispered before walking away.

"Kaoru!" Hikaru ran after him.

"I guess we should be going now senpai." Haruhi said to the box as Tamaki slowly crawled out.


"Takashi." Honey tugged on his jacket.

"Hm." Mori looked down.

"Do you like Mae chan?"


"Ahh Choo!" Mae sneezed. "Someone's been talking about me." She chuckled.

"Mae." Nekozawa whispered. It was now late and they were in his limo driving Mae home.


"What's your answer?" She slowly turned to look at her.

She began to mentally freak out. How could she forget to think about this. Then it hit her. "My answer is..."

Sorry : ) I'm leaving you hanging.

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