Chapter 66- Host Club?

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"Haru-"the pile up of girls that had made their way in paused as they saw a nervously twitching red head and a blonde in a dark shadow. "Tamaki?" A girl walked over to the prince himself.

"What is it my princess?" He kneeled and kissed her hand.

The girl bashfully looked away and blushed. "Uh well-who are they?" They pointed to the two outstanders.

"Why their our new hosts." Tamaki boasted.

The girl glanced over at them. "They look like their prisoners." She furrowed her brows in confusition as she walked away.

Tamaki quickly ran over to Kyoya who was standing behind Maes couch where her guests stared at the new two as well before they sat down. "Mommy!" He whisper yelled.

"Yes?" Kyoya turned to him.

"Everyone's scared of those two." Tamaki wined.

Kyoya looked over and smiled at him. "Who wouldn't be?"

"Ah!" Tamaki screamed. "They don't even remember Nekozawa from pet day!"

Kyoya nodded. "It appears the cats helped him relax."

Tamaki huffed and spied over to couch to see the stiff Ritsu and the chanting Neko. "We're doomed!" He yelled pulling on his hair.

"None-sense senapi." Mae turned around her guest watching mildly amused. "Neko kun and Ritsu just need motivation."

"Motivation?" Tamaki tilted his head.

"Like Haruhi," Mae began while Tamaki began to zone out and watch Haruhi from afar. " that should work right senpai?"

Tamaki shook his head confused a moment then straightened his tie. "Correct Mae good plan." He smiled but Kyoya scoffed behind as Mae got up and began walking over. "What's your problem mommy?"

"Nothing daddy, just that Maes going to to wave Haruhi in front of Ritsu to motivate him."

"What?!" Tamaki jumped and began running after Mae.

Kyoya noticed the male guests staring at him. "What?" He sighed.

"Well you called Tamaki senapi 'daddy.'" All of them began snickering.

"What intellect you must have." Kyoya mumbled as he walked past them. "After all you come to talk to someone who won't ever go out with you."

All the guests looked at him with strange distaste as he left them. Kaoru kept close watch on the whole situation.

Mae glared at Tamaki. "Why can't I use my sister as bait."

"She's my daughter!" He yelped.

Mae rolled her eyes. "Okay why can't I use your daughter as bait?"

Tamaki thought a moment then snapped his fingers. "Moral rights."

Mae sighed and walked away heading over to Nekozawa. "You figure out how to get Kasanoda in a better mood. It looks like his head is about to explode."

"But-" she had walked away before he got a chance to say one more thing.

"Neko kun." Mae crouched down to where he was. "What're you doing?"

Nekozawa looked up with excitement in his eye. "I've made a special curse."

Mae tilted her head. "What?" She tried her best to hide excitement but who couldn't if they were going to watch a curse take place.

"It's an enchantment curse." He grinned.

"Will it work?"

"It should." He nodded.

Twins?!- The Hostess with The Mostest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now